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Warum O2

I currently have a 40GB + grow package. I wish to change it to unlimited package as mentioned in data volume optimization menu. If I choose unlimited package, will I pay for new package or both packages? What will happen to the minimum contract duration? Will two year contract be continued from the last package or again start from date of getting new package?

Edit o2_Bianca: Moved from Mobilfunk Vertrag&Tarife to English o2 Community mobile

Hello @Kecy1990 ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

I assume you mean the my Data Unlimited package, this would be optional ontop of your current contract, so you’d be paying for both of them while you have them running. This would not affect your current running contract concerning the duration. The other choice would be that you switch to one of the o2 Mobile Unlimited contracts. This would completely replace your current o2 Grow contract. I hope this answers your questions, if there is anything unclear please let us know.


Kind regards, Sven

Thank you for your reply. If I switch to one of the unlimited contracts,

1. Will my minimum two contract time be revised and again start from zero or continue from what I have in my present contract?

2. Will I be charged for O2 grow for this month?

3 Can I get additional sim card for my wife under same contract? How much will it cost?

Hey @Kecy1990,

At the time of contract renewal, your term will begin anew. The same applies to the costs. You pay the old rate up to the time of renewal and then the new rate. A additional SIM Card (MultiCard) is not included. 


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