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I recharge my account and activated my Data Packet, money got deducted from my account but I am not able to use internet, it just says:


It happened the last month too, also… but I was mostly in abroad so did not mind, but this is the second time. 

Can you look into it please and see why this packet is not activated for me?

All the best. 


Edit by o2_Katja: Moved to our english community



Log into Mein o2 and under the consumption check (Verbrauchscheck) you will see "Overview of the last 6 months" (Übersicht über die letzten 6 Monate) . If you click on it, a new window will open. Could you also upload a screenshot of it here?


If a booked package cannot be automatically extended after 28 days (e.g. because the credit is insufficient), it will not be canceled automatically. The package waits in the background until the credit is sufficient for the extension or until the user cancels it.

Look at the bottom entry in your screenshot. The Pack L was automatically renewed on April 7th and terminated by you immediately. Did you think you would have to book the package yourself again? A mistake?

The pack could actually be reactivated. A help here by o2 takes a few days.

Or ask the o2 prepaid customer chat for further support?

Yeah. I have done it mistakenly. 

So, now I just have to top up my account over 10 EUR and then it will automatically activate L package? Because I want to use internet, even though I mistakenly terminated it.

Yes. The phrase "Bestellt, wartet auf Aufladung" means "Ordered, waiting for sufficient credit".
If you need the internet now, charge up. Someone from o2 can give you a credit for the other pack in a few days.

Hi @Krang777 ,


I’ve just refunded the credits for the Data Pack L :)  You should be able to verify the booking within the next hours or so.

Thanks a lot for your support, @tearsbeforecrying !

Best regards,

Hey @o2_Kurt

I am bit confused now. Right now in my account I have 0,09 EUR. 

I had yesterday or this morning 5.09 EUR or so. I know that because I toped up 10.00 EUR at Monday so I have enough credits for new Data Pack L.

So, if you added a refund it should be 5.09 + 9.99 = 15.08 EUR.  Or this 9.99 EUR will be refunded directly to the bank account?

Maybe I get something wrong, but to be honest I do not have idea where those 5 EUR disappeared (didn’t make any calls), and now when you are telling me you refunded the previous pack, I am puzzled even more. Can you check please? :) 

Hello @Krang777 ,

the 9,99€ refund was added to your account, so that it was at 15,08€. Afterwards the Allnet Flat Pack was booked for 14,99€ which left 0,09€ in your account.


Kind regards, Sven

Hello @o2_Sven

Now I see where is the confusion. I do not know German and maybe I mistakenly booked "Allnet Flat" because I thought it is an internet pack which I actually need and use. Now I see I have "Data Pack L" for the internet and "Allnet Flat" which I don't need and will not use.

You can check that I did not make any call, nor I plan to do so. Is there a possibility to unsubscribe from "Allnet" and get refunded because I did not use anything there? 

Also, after thoroughly investigating all possibilities the best option for my use case is this "Prepaid S" pack, so can I from next month just use this pack (unsubscribe from all other packs), and have free calls with Allnet (if I need them sometime) and internet up to 3,5 G? That way I will be charged just up to 10EUR per month which is more than enough for me. 


Hello @Krang777,

thank you for the explanation.
I have just deactivated the Allnet-Flat and set up a refund for it. You should also be able to see this online in your o2 area.
I have cancelled your Pack L, which means that the pack will not be renewed after one month. You can then book a smaller pack.

Kind regards
Jessica 🌷

Hi good morning please can you help activate my line 



Edit by o2_Andrea: Rufnummer entfernt - Datenschutz

Dear @Adela002 ,

welcome to our community. ⛅️

Your SIM card was deactivated because you had an outstanding balance for a long time. A deactivated SIM card cannot be reactivated. You can get a new prepaid card and port the number within 90 days after deactivation. You can pay off the remaining balance of the card using our payout form.

Kind regards,


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