I have O2 Prepaid SIM and I have applied for POSTPAID with another provider. I want to use my same O2 number (Portability). New provider asked me to get confirmation from O2 team.
I could not contact O2 team to release the contract.
Could you please check and release my number for portability ?
Gayathri P
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If you use the "my o2" app, you can arrange for the approval there yourself.
Choose: Tarif & Optionen -> Rufnummernmitnahme –> Rufnummer jetzt freigeben. On the next page, you will see the data that must be entered for the new provider. The approval is confirmed by SMS and is valid for 30 days.
Hello @Sächsin
Thank you very much for your feedback.
Is it applicable for O2 LOOP ? I dont see any option “Number Portability ->Release now
@Sächsin Thank you very much, I gave release now option and requested new provider to port the number.
New provider said that the old contract is not released or the release amount (6 EUR) not yet paid.
May I know how can I pay 6 EUR to release my phone number ?
I have received the above mail from new provider.
Dear O2 Team,
Could you please help here to resolve ?
@Gayathri How much money you have on your o2 prepaid card?
@Joe Doe - This is the correct place to see the balance ? Mine is O2 Loop. Last time (Nov 6th) I recharged with 20 EUR
@Gayathri You must have 6,82 Euro on your o2 card for release your number. Did you cancel the o2 smartphone package? What o2 Smartphone Package you have booked? my Prepaid L for 19,99 Euro each 28 days?
@Joe Doe I just gave “Release Contract now” as suggested by others.
I didn't cancel the SMARTPHONE package. My Prepaid L plan is 19,99 Euro each 28 days. (same as yours)
How to cancel the SMARTPHONE package ? ( 19,99 Euro each 28 days.)
How to add 6.82 EUR in O2 card. Is it like normal top-up ?
2.) Top-up can been done over normal way. Refill card, transfer over bank account, ATM machine.
Hello everyone,
and thank you @Sächsin and @Joe Doe for your answers and help!
@Gayathri did everything work for you as Joe Doe has mentioned it?
Kind regards Jessica
@o2_Jessica - I have done everything as per @Sächsin@Joe Doe.
I have given release contract from O2 App
Cancelled O2 L package (unsubscribed)
Top up through Bank (sent SMS to 56656 and I have got Bank details to transfer Money with Purpose. I transferred the Fee (10 EUR) . But I did not get any messages and amount is not added to my balance.
Could you please check from your end ? so that I can request the porting again.
@o2_Jessica - Still my balance is 0.04 EUR
@o2_Jessica - Could you please confirm , whether I can request the portability with new Provider ?
I have done the transfer.
Top up through Bank (sent SMS to 56656 and I have got Bank details to transfer Money with Purpose. I transferred the Fee (10 EUR) . But I did not get any messages and amount is not added to my balance.
Hi @Gayathri.,
thanks for your reply.
I just checked everything for you. I do not see that you topped-up an amount. But as you ordered “o2 my Prepaid L” on 6th November and cancelled it again on 14th November, I considered it as a withdrawal and topped-up your card with the fee of “o2 my Prepaid L” again.
Now, you have the possibility to contact your new provider in order to port your number to another provider.
Enter your E-mail address. We'll send you an e-mail with instructions to reset your password.
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