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Warum O2

Dear Support,

I wanted to ask pertaining to my New smartphone(Samsung s22+) contract cancellation, as I am planning to move back to my home country and wanted to cancel the contract and return the phone. Details of the contract : I have a contract for 48months starting OCT 2022. 

I am thinking of also repaying the whole charges earlier in one go (for the remianing months) but then I also have to pay custom fees in my home country If I brought back a new device (import a new device) minimum 400Euros on samsung s22+, that is why I considering cancellation of contract and avoid paying double the amount of the actual price of the phone,

So Can I cancel my contract and return the device ?

Looking forward to your response


o2_Giulia, 09.01.2023, 08:53: moved from O₂ Mobilfunk: Vertrag & Tarife to English O₂ Community: Mobile

Moin Moin,

if you left Germany you are able to end the mobile contract.

The phone you have to keep! U are able to pay the rest money at once. 

If you can see the phone contract in Mein O2 U can end the contract on this page.

Than U have to pay the rest amount.

Normal you have to pay only the local tax for the phone. Or just sell the phone on eBay.

@schluej es geht nur um Geräte.

@Sächsin Du meinst ich habe überinformiert??


Hey @SabdullahK ,
this is a good question :-)
As I can see, Schluej had perfect answers for you in case you want to:
1. Cancel your mobil conract by sharing the Link : Extraordinary cancellation because of moving abroad | O₂ Community ( and
2. How to cancel your hardware contract in Mein o2 and how to pay the remaining down payment.
Do you need further support regarding the down payment? Also, please check out German VAT Refund - Federal Foreign Office ( for further questions concerning tax refunds or Customs online - Tax-free shopping ( Maybe the country you are travelling to offers helpful information as well?
Best Matea

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