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I recently moved to Munich, I want to buy an eSim but I am not sure if by doing this I will lose my actual phone number from outside EU. So, an eSim will allow me to keep both numbers in the same phone equipment? my equipment is an iphone 12. Is that even possible somehow? 


edit o2_Solveig: verschoben von o2 Mobilfunkvertrag → English o2 Community : Mobile

Hi @JoseAntonio17

welcome to our English Community. Nice to meet you here. 

You are right. This is absolutely possible. 

Your iPhone 12 has a dual-SIM-functionality: You use an eSIM and you can additionally put in a nano-SIM. 

You find more information also at Apple Support

Further information how to activate the eSIM you find also here: O2 eSIM: bestellen und aktivieren

If you have any further questions, just let me know. 


Loving greetings,


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