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Warum O2


Hello O2 Team,

Can I extend my O2 my Internet-to-Go before expiration?
I currently live in Germany and I was wondering if there is a way to extend it before it expires? I know it should be renewed monthly, but I'm wondering if I can do it a few days before it expires.

The website (Mein o 2) does not show any option to extend the contract before it expires.
I have tried waiting for it to expire last month, and I had problems extending it after it expired. (there seems to be a problem with the website and it does not immediately show the option to renew / extend the contract)

Please see screenshot:
(it just stays there and does not load whatsoever. refreshed it several times, nothing happens)

I also have not tried to call the O2 hotline here in Germany to extend my Internet-to-Go “tarif ”.
I only extended / renewed it online last month, but it took too long and many website refreshes before it got through.


Edit by o2_Katja: Moved to our english community

Hello O2 Team,

Can I extend my O2 my Internet-to-Go before expiration?
I currently live in Germany and I was wondering if there is a way to extend it before it expires? I know it should be renewed monthly, but I'm wondering if I can do it a few days before it expires.

The website (Mein o 2) does not show any option to extend the contract before it expires.
I have tried waiting for it to expire last month, and I had problems extending it after it expired. (there seems to be a problem with the website and it does not immediately show the option to renew / extend the contract)

Please see screenshot:
(it just stays there and does not load whatsoever. refreshed it several times, nothing happens)

I also have not tried to call the O2 hotline here in Germany to extend my Internet-to-Go “tarif ”.
I only extended / renewed it online last month, but it took too long and many website refreshes before it got through.

Hi @Dosam ,


I’ve merged your threads into one, since both are about the same topic. You can only book the Option for one month, I’m afraid. But you don’t need to extend the contract every time. The contract will continue even without a pack. In order to re-order the pack, choose it from the available packs under “Tarif & Optionen, verfügbare Optionen”.

This way, you can simply order it via a clicks and don’t have to rely on the contract extension Website to be ready and available . Please give it a try :hugging:

You can also use our App with the same login:

Best regards,

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