Warum O2

Support in English? | Contract termination due to leaving Germany

Benutzerebene 2
  • Neuling
  • 9 Antworten

this September I will be permanently moving out from Germany and would please need to have my mobile contract (Blue All-in L) terminated. I will want to keep the line active and working until October 1st.

Could you please explain on how to proceed, and send me over email any forms I may need to complete and send back? I will of course be able to attach my Abmeldung as a proof.

Thanks in advance for your support.




Lösung von o2_Jessica 23 August 2016, 16:13

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184 Antworten

Benutzerebene 2

Well understand your *personal* situation, but definitely do not excuse nor understand how O2 could take this kind of care to a well paying customer. And you are O2 here.

Anyhow - not sure what personal password you mean, but I have sent the message as you requested... thanks

Benutzerebene 7
You both misunderstood my message.

I work in this community. And I care for the English community in all concerns about the mobile world.

I just wanted to inform you about the fact that my answers could take a little more time. That's it. I'm not talking about anything to excuse that whole situation. I'm not evil, I only try to help here.

@jdso‌ and https:///people/Fra

Hi @ysthey‌ ☺️

You can send me your documents in a private message to our account @o2_Support‌.

I will explain to you how to do that:

- click on top of this page on the right side on your own Name. In that new window you have to click on "Mein Stream und Aktivitäten"


- click on "Mein Stream" in that new window

- click on "Nachricht senden" (sending message) on top in the middle

- there you put o2_Support as the addressee and right next to the "Absenden" (sending) button you find the icon to attach a picture!

That's it. Kind of complicated.

Just send it to me and I will care for it. If not today than on Sunday. ☺️

Kind regards,


Hi @o2_Jessica,

   Thanks for your quick response. I have sent the requested supporting documents to @o2_Support . Please let me know if you have received them successfully. Thank you

Best regards.

Hello Jessica,

I need to terminate my current contract of O2 Blue Basic as I am leaving Germany on Oct 30 to return back to my home country (India).   I really have a short amount of time available. Could you please help me on this.

Having read this thread, I understand some of the steps in this process of contract termination. Could you please email me the forms that I need to fill and send. I will have the city de registration in the last week of this month. I am not sure about the registration I need to provide for moving back to my place as I wont have to do any city registration when I go back. I will only have the current city de registration document and the acceptance to pay 3 months basic fee. Is this sufficient ??



Benutzerebene 7

Hi Nishanth ☺️

Okay, you find the needed form attached here in my answer.

Please fill this out and send all the documents that you have to the mentioned address.

Everything else you can send to me here in the forum, when you have it. Please send it to our account o2_Support as I explained it here: https://

Alternatively you can also send a confirmation of your employer or landlord.

When you've send the needed message and forms to our account o2_Support, please write here in this thread that you've done it, so that I do not miss it!

I will care for it.

Kind regards,

Jessica ☺️

Benutzerebene 7

forgot the document.

Here it is:

Benutzerebene 1
Dear @o2_Jessica (or whoever see this message first)

I am trying to cancel my contract with O2 in the last three months, I am not even living in Germany anymore, I already sent all the necessary documents (and additional ones, to prove the I left the country) but so far I got no confirmation

that the contract is cancelled. And I follow what you said Jessica. The same happened to my wife, as we have the same contract with different numbers.I  even sent the letter confirming that o2 could charge me three months (although I could make a case about that), and was expecting to get a fast response about how much my wife have to pay, but NOT A SINGLE WORD.  I know this is not your fault, but clearly o2 just wants to make money and does not give a s...to the costumers, and I do regret to have made a contract with this company. If not action is taken in the next couple of days, I am going to take legal action, this is definitely beyond the limit and it is ridiculous that a company like o2 behaves like this

best regards

Luiz Mxxxxxxx


Prof. Luiz F. G. Mxxxxxx




8093 Zurich, Switzerland

Phone +xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

E-mail: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


URL: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Skype: xxxxxxxxxx

Edit o2_Jessica: Deleted all personal information. Data privacy!

Benutzerebene 7
Because of these problems, I will help you as good as I can. ☺️

So, @luiz.morales‌,

first of all- this is a public community. Please do not, ever, publish your private data here.

I have now deleted every information you gave in your thread. ⚠️

Please send us a private message to our account @o2_Support‌ with the two mobile numbers that you talk about and the personal password (4 numbers) to identify yourself, and afterwards I will care for it.

Kind regards,


Benutzerebene 1
Hi Jessica

Thanks for the email. For some reason I cannot send you directly the message. In addition, I am not sure what is the 4 numbers password you are talking about, I tried to send a message to o2_Support or something like that, and the computer did not ask anything about password. Is this address I should send it?

all the best


Hello Team,

From 1st September,I have moved to the UK from Germany. I would like to cancel my contract and require your support on how to do this.

I am currently having the Sim +iphone plan and therefore would like to cancel only my Sim plan as I would like to continue paying for the phone installments. Could you please advice how may I do this ?

I can provide written confirmation from my work showing that I am living / working in the UK since 1st Septmeber, along with any additional information that might be required

Please advice


Kind Regards


Hello Jessica,

Thank you very much for your response and all the required information+documents. I will do the needful at the start of the next week when I have all the documents. I will then fax the letter+documents to the mentioned address and also send a private message to O2 support attaching the same documents, Soon after that, I will drop a msg here to notify you ☺️



OK. Thanks. I do hope that is the case.

Dear O2 Support, customer care,

I am contacting you because I have a big problem concerning my contract cancellation. I followed the online procedure to perform the cancellation.

I moved to United Kingdom to pursue my studies.

I have sent a registered mail ( RE 4732 9439 4DE ) to the Kundigung office with all the required documentation:

1) ID card scan

2) Abmeldebestätigundg

3) The university letter which states that I am signed up and following a postgraduate degree.

4) My home contract in United Kingdom.

I have been calling the Hotline service for the last 3 weeks and it is always either busy or not responding.

I have tried multiple times to send a message to the O2_Support, but your system denies to send message to recipients which are not "friend" of your account.

This is the worst customer service I have ever experienced. I might add that if O2 Customer Service will not meet my request as customer, I will consider it a contract breach and act legally.

Kind Regards,

Filippo Spina

Benutzerebene 7
Hello @luiz.morales‌,

I already answered you in your private message ☺️

Hello @sourabhgautham,

I have now sent you the needed documents to your e-mail address.

Please fill everything out and send it, with the other needed documents that are mentioned in that form, to the company!

Next week I can have a look at everything.

Information for everyone else-

you find the needed documents attached in an earlier answer of me:



perfect! That's how we do it! ☺️

After today my next working day will be Sunday. Just as an information for you, not that you wait everyday for an answer. I will care for it.


you can not send a message to o2_Support because I first of all have to unlock you for it.

And another information: o2 does not offer an e-mail support. So, if you've sent an e-mail, it won't reach the customer support. To which e-mail did you send it?

Please send your phone number, you personal password for the verification, as well as the needed documents to o2_Support now. The explanation how you do it you find here: https://

Kind regards,

Jessica ☺️

Benutzerebene 1
Hi @o2_Jessica

I've seen the email, thank you very much. Nevertheless my wife got the email below this afternoon:

Hallo Frau Koller Morales,

wir freuen uns, dass Sie sich entschieden haben, weiterhin unseren Service von O2 zu nutzen. Die vorliegende Kündigung betrachten wir als gegenstandslos und wünschen Ihnen weiterhin viel Spaß mit Ihrem Tarif.

Dessen Konditionen sowie alle weiteren Vertragsbestandteile finden Sie hier zusammengefasst.

Wenn Sie weitere Änderungen an Ihrem Vertrag mit uns vereinbart haben, werden diese innerhalb der nächsten 24 Stunden aktiviert und in einer separaten E-Mail bestätigt.

To my understanding this means that you are extending my contract and not terminating, as requested. I sent you three messages in replying to the private message you sent me. I really urge to know what is going on, this is not right. I agreed to pay the tax of cancellation and to pay the restant of the mobile, but NEVER asked for contract extension. Sometimes this seems to be a nightmare, really! Please contact me as soon as possible


Luiz Morales

Benutzerebene 1
Dear Jessica,

I have contract for 2 years for Combi plan with O2 Blue Select & O2 Blue All-in M with 2 sim cards and i will be leaving the Germany and going back to India by end of April 2017 but my contract runs till  05.06.2017. As per the suggestion from the O2 Outlet in my location, i have sent this information through Post few weeks back but i am still awaiting for a response.

The deregistration in the current location in Germany can only happen in the last week before i leave. So i will not be able to produce it now. However i am ready to clear the remaining Basic dues till end of my contract and close it by 30.04.2017 itself.

So please let me know the process for the same soon.

Thanks in advance


Hello Jessica

I have not received any email from you yet about the documents. May I request you to send me the documents again at sxxxxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com


Edit o2_Jessica: Deleted the e-mail address. Data privacy.

Benutzerebene 7
Hi @luiz.morales‌,

I already explained you in the private message that you got this e-mail because I gave you/ activated a new discount, so that you do not have to pay the basic fee.

Information for everyone:

when we activate a new discount, or an old discount gets deactivated, the customers always get the old e-mail (of the extension or of the activation of the contract) just with ne new information added or so.

It always leads to misunderstanding as well, but it's all right as it is.

Just wait the next time until I answer in your message, otherwise you confuse other customers.

Kind regards,


Benutzerebene 7
Hello @madhusudhan2308‌,

going back to India by end of April 2017 but my contract runs till  05.06.2017.

just write a normal cancellation.

When you want to deactivate the contract before the normal run time end the company charges 3 months basic fees as a replacement. For you it's only 2 months more, so you could pay less like this.

So, just send a normal cancellation to the normal run time end. When you've done that just contact me here and I can check if everything is okay. ☺️

Kind regards,


Benutzerebene 7
Hello @sourabhgautham‌,

I have sent you the form again.

Can you check if you received it? (also the spam)

Otherwise contact me again.

Kind regards ☺️

Btw.: I forgot that I attached the needed form here: https:// ☺️

Benutzerebene 1
Dear Jessica,

Thank you so much for your response. As informed I have already sent an Sonderkündigung by 30.04.2017 information through post few weeks back but I still did not get any confirmation of the change of contract end date and the details of the basic pay for the remaining period. Can you please check the status on that. But in case I need fill a form of sonderkündigung for this.please send the same and any other requirements, so that can prepare n send through post again..I do not want to have any issues at the last minute of stay.

Pls help to resolve this soon

Thank you again


Hello Jessica,

I am very sorry to disturb you again but I am not receiving the mails from you in my gmail mailbox. I have checked the spam/junk folder and still nothing is there from you.

May be please send the forms to my office mail address(sxxxxxx.gxxxxxx@xx.com)?

Highly appreciate your help




anybody knows the customer service number of O2? it's not in the homepage nor inside the profile when you log in with your credentials

Dear O2 Support, @o2_Support‌, @o2_Jessica

I really hope my message reaches someone from the o2 community, as this is my only option left - I could not get any help at any of your offices, I try to call the hotline for a couple of days (from abroad, paying ridiculous telephone fees and spending hours of just waiting!), no email, no online chat option.

So here is my problem - I have diligently terminated my internet contract as of 31 October 2016, I received confirmation and returned the router on time. After several inquiries in offices and by phone, how can I make sure that I pay all my liabilities before that date because I am leaving Germany and closing my bank account, I was assured that last invoices will be received before the termination date. After the invoice for October arrived at the end of September, I was relieved that I have paid all my liabilities to O2 and I can close my bank account.

So now, after I left the country and closed my bank account, I received an invoice for November (services that I will obviously not use because my contract is terminated as at 31 October and I have returned my router). After several hours of trying to reach customer service (english speaking more specifically) by telephone, I understand that this is some billing issue, and that next month another invoice will be issued offsetting this amount. However, I was explained that I still need to pay this month or otherwise I will receive a fine.

I would like to ask, why I should pay an invoice for service I have not used? This will cause me additional bank fees and inconvenience, and I would like to request this invoice to be canceled. It is not relevant, and as I have completed all termination steps way in advance, starting from August, I would not like to pay for services I am not using because the billing system of the company is not set properly! Please, I would like someone to help me solve this problem.

Benutzerebene 1
Dear Jessica,

Sorry to disturb you again but can you check my below message i sent 2 days back and respond soon.

Till date i got no response to my Post i have sent with Sonderkündigung from O2. In case i need to fill any form or supportings i require to send through post again for the Sonderkündigung please let me know.

Sorry but looking at the issues others raising in this forum due to delay in response from O2, i do not want to face any issues during my last month in Germany next year or later.

I can pay the  basic fees for those 2 months, till end of contract soon and end my contract by 30.04.2017 or the earlier possible time, as i will neither be in Germany nor i will have any bank account open after that.

Furthermore the Abmeldebestaetigung from current German location can only be given by last week of my stay in Germany and in India i would not require any local registration once i go back, as i come from there itself.

In case you require, I can take an confirmation letter from my company with the contract period end date.

So please send me the required details ASAP, so that i can complete the required formalities quickly.

Looking forward for quick response and support.

Thanks in advance.
