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Warum O2 Service


Hallo, Entschuldigung im Voraus. Mein Deutsch ist nicht gut. 

Ich habe o2 DSL-Anschluss für fast 1 Jahr. Ich bezahle für eine 100-MB-Verbindung, erhalte aber nur maximal 20 MB Download und weniger als 5 MB Upload. 

Ich benutze mein eigenes Asus-Modem/Router und habe mehrere andere ausprobiert. Ich habe auch versucht, eine fest verkabelte Verbindung mit dem Router und nicht mit WiFi herzustellen. Nichts, was ich tue, erhöht die Geschwindigkeit. 

Ich zögere, den Kundenservice wegen meines schlechten Deutsch zu kontaktieren, aber ti wird sehr frustrierend, wenn ich nur 80% der Geschwindigkeit bekomme, für die ich bezahle. Ich hatte gehofft, abzusagen, da ich mich einem Jahr nähere und zu Vodafone wechsle, aber es scheint, dass ich in einem Zweijahresvertrag festsitze. 

Gibt es etwas, was ich tun kann, um die Geschwindigkeit zu erhöhen oder das hier zu überprüfen? 





Hi, sorry in advance. My German is not great. 

I have had o2 DSL line for nearly 1 year. I pay for 100mb connection, however I only receive 20mb download maximum and less than 5mb upload. 

I use my own Asus modem/router and have tried several others. I have also tried hard wired connection in to the router rather than wifi. Nothing I do increases the speed. 

I am reluctant to call customer services because of my poor German, but ti is getting very frustrating receiving only 80% of the speed I am paying for. I was hoping to cancel as I'm approaching 1 year and move to Vodafone but it seems I am stuck in a 2 year contract. 

Is there anything I can do to increase the speed or get this looked at? 


Lösung von Joe Doe

@Sye Anthony what options you have for Annex Mode and can you change G Vector enable? 



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  • Autor
  • Neuling
  • 14 Antworten
  • 24. Oktober 2019
Sye Anthony schrieb:

Hello, sorry in advance. My German is not good. 

I have o2 DSL connection for almost 1 year. I pay for a 100 MB connection, but only get a maximum of 20 MB download and less than 5 MB upload. 

I use my own Asus modem / router and have tried several others. I also tried to make a hard-wired connection to the router, not WiFi. Nothing I do increases the speed. 

I hesitate to contact customer service because of my bad German, but ti gets very frustrating when I get only 80% of the speed I pay for. I was hoping to cancel because I'm approaching a year and switching to Vodafone, but it seems I'm stuck in a two-year deal. 

Is there anything I can do to increase the speed or check this? 





Hi, sorry in advance. My German is not great. 

I have had o2 DSL line for almost 1 year. I pay for 100mb connection, however I only receive 20mb download maximum and less than 5mb upload. 

I use my own Asus modem / router and have tried several others. I have tried hard wired connection to the router rather than wifi. Nothing I do the speed. 

I am reluctant to call customer services because of my poor German, but is getting very frustrating receiving only 80% of the speed I am paying for. 1 year and move to Vodafone but it seems I am stuck in a 2 year contract. 

Is there anything I can do to increase the speed or get this looked at? 




Als Nachbereitung habe ich heute einen weiteren Geschwindigkeitstest durchgeführt und wie Sie sehen können, sind die Ergebnisse für eine 100-MB-Linie erbärmlich. 

Ich akzeptiere, dass ich mich schon früher darüber hätte beschweren sollen, aber mein Mangel an Deutsch hat mich abgeschreckt. Jedoch wenn ich dieses für ein anderes Jahr ertragen müssen werde, wünsche ich es geregelt, also erhalte ich etwas, das der Geschwindigkeit ähnlich ist, die ich erwarten würde! 

Mit wem muss ich sprechen, um diesen Fehler untersuchen zu lassen? 


As a follow up I've completed another speed test today and as you can see the results are pathetic for a 100mb line. 

However, if I'm going to put up with this for another year, I want it fixed so I'm getting something I would expect! 

Who do I need to speak? 

Joe Doe
  • Star
  • 12206 Antworten
  • 24. Oktober 2019

Hi @Sye Anthony we must find out what line you have and if you not have technical problems on your line. Your Upload looks like ADSL line, but your download looks like VDSL line with technical problems. What kind of Asus Router you use? Did it have any DSL information menu? 

  • Autor
  • Neuling
  • 14 Antworten
  • 24. Oktober 2019
Joe Doe schrieb:

Hi @Sye Anthony we must find out what line you have and if you not have technical problems on your line. Your Upload looks like ADSL line, but your download looks like VDSL line with technical problems. What kind of Asus Router you use? Did it have any DSL information menu? 

Hi, Vielen Dank für die Antwort und Hilfe. 

Ich habe einen Asus DSL-AC55U Modem-Router mit einem 100mb DSL-Anschluss

Thank you for the response and help. 

I have a Asus DSL-AC55U modem router with a 100mb DSL line

DSL-Informationsseite zeigt an / DSL Information Page Shows


DSL LIne: 

Meine WAN-Einstellungen sind: / My WAN settings are: 

Service Unit: Service 1
802.1Q Enable: Yes
Protocol: PPPoE
WAN Connection Type: PPPoE 
IP Version: IPv4
Enable UPnP: Yes
802.1Q: Enabled
VLAN ID:    7
802.1P: 0
Get the WAN IP automatically:    Yes
Connect to DNS Server automatically:    Yes
Enable NAT:    Yes
PPP Authentication: Auto    
Connection type:    Always On 
TCP MSS Option: 0 (Uses Default)
Internet Detection: PPP Echo 
PPP Echo Interval: 6
PPP Echo Max Failures: 10

Ich habe gedacht, dass dies vielleicht ein Konfigurationsproblem mit dem Router sein könnte, aber ich konnte keine Informationen über optimale Einstellungen finden, also weiß ich es nicht. 

Es war seit seiner Installation ziemlich konstant in der Leistung. Keine Probleme, nur langsam! Jede Hilfe wäre sehr willkommen. 

I have thought that maybe this could be a configuration issue with the router, but I have been unable to find information on optimal settings so I do not know. 

It has been fairly consistent in performance since it's been installed. No issues, just slow! any help would be greatly appreciated. 

  • Lehrling
  • 10410 Antworten
  • 24. Oktober 2019

Are you sure that you use the latest firmware for your device?


btw: What is the name of your o2 DSL plan? (e.g. o2 my Home M)

Joe Doe
  • Star
  • 12206 Antworten
  • 24. Oktober 2019

@Sye Anthony can you post this settings page from your Asus?



  • Autor
  • Neuling
  • 14 Antworten
  • 24. Oktober 2019

Sure, here you go - I really appreciate your help! 



Joe Doe
  • Star
  • 12206 Antworten
  • Lösung
  • 24. Oktober 2019

@Sye Anthony what options you have for Annex Mode and can you change G Vector enable? 



  • Autor
  • Neuling
  • 14 Antworten
  • 24. Oktober 2019
blablup schrieb:

Are you sure that you use the latest firmware for your device?


btw: What is the name of your o2 DSL plan? (e.g. o2 my Home M)

I actually haven’t updated the firmware since July, I have just done this now

My plan is called o2 My Home L 

  • Lehrling
  • 10410 Antworten
  • 24. Oktober 2019

You have disabled Vectoring and G.INP, that is why you can’t get a better performance. 

Joe Doe
  • Star
  • 12206 Antworten
  • 24. Oktober 2019

@Sye Anthony did you see now Annex J under Annex Mode?

  • Autor
  • Neuling
  • 14 Antworten
  • 24. Oktober 2019
Joe Doe schrieb:

@Sye Anthony what options you have for Annex Mode and can you change G Vector enable? 



Annex mode was set to ANNEX B


I have enabled G Vector




It is resolved, and my speed is amazing. Thank you so much, you guys are awesome! 

I can not believe I have put up with the slow connection for one year because I was nervous of asking for help! 

Es ist gelöst, und meine Geschwindigkeit ist erstaunlich. Vielen Dank, ihr seid großartig! 

Ich kann nicht glauben, dass ich die langsame Verbindung ein Jahr lang ertragen habe, weil ich nervös war, um Hilfe zu bitten! 

  • Autor
  • Neuling
  • 14 Antworten
  • 24. Oktober 2019
blablup schrieb:

You have disabled Vectoring and G.INP, that is why you can’t get a better performance. 

Yes, I see now from @Joe Doe 

I have just also enabled G.INP and will change to ANNEX B/J and see what happens. Will come back shortly

  • Autor
  • Neuling
  • 14 Antworten
  • 24. Oktober 2019

Wow, I am amazed. Thank you so much to @Joe Doe  and @blablup  this has been amazing help and my connection is now outstanding. 

This evening you have made a Welsh man very happy. I can not thank you enough. Tell me where to send the beers! 

After the last couple of setting changes, I am now seeing these results from the speed test


Wow, ich bin erstaunt. Vielen Dank an @Joe Doe  und @blablup , das war eine tolle Hilfe und meine Verbindung ist jetzt hervorragend. 

Heute Abend haben Sie einen Waliser sehr glücklich gemacht. Ich kann dir nicht genug danken. Sag mir, wohin ich die Biere schicken soll! 

Nach den letzten paar Einstelländerungen sehe ich nun diese Ergebnisse aus dem Geschwindigkeitstest.

Ich danke dir so sehr.


Joe Doe
  • Star
  • 12206 Antworten
  • 24. Oktober 2019

@Sye Anthony can you please post a picture from line stats now. I am interested how the modem sync now. Thanks.

  • Autor
  • Neuling
  • 14 Antworten
  • 24. Oktober 2019
Joe Doe schrieb:

@Sye Anthony can you please post a picture from line stats now. I am interested in the modem sync now. Thanks.


This one?

As you can see it is a completely different line. I am amazed that one or two settings make a difference. It is a miracle! 

I do not know if you work for o2 or are just a good samaritan on the internet, but I thank you dearly. 

Joe Doe
  • Star
  • 12206 Antworten
  • 25. Oktober 2019

Hi@Sye Anthony i mean the two pictures from System log/ Dsl Log (first picture have Information from DSL Modulation, Regional Mode etc. and second picture have information  SNR Margin, Path Mode etc) I ask for these pictures than you start this thread.

And for your question. No I and@blablup are normal customer like you. We only like to help here in the community. I think if you really have call the hotline, they can’t help you, because they don’t know the Asus router (not often use in Germany) I think the hotline mentions to buy a Fritzbox. But I can understand why you use the Asus router. It have an english user interface. Not like the o2 Homebox or the standard german Fritzbox. Ok for the Fritzbox you can get an international version with english interface too. But a little bit difficult to get here in Germany.

If you next time have a problem with your dsl line post here again. And don’t wait one year for this. :wink: 

The people here in this community are great. Because of this I am here. Best regards.    

  • 10860 Antworten
  • 25. Oktober 2019

Hi @Sye Anthony,


at first: thanks a lot to @Joe Doe and @blablup. Great job, I have learned a lot, too.  @Sye Anthony : please do not hesitate to contact us here again. We offer English support to all kind of questions concerning your contract. The only thing we can’t take care of is to open a trouble ticket if the line is really disrupted. But if you in need of assistance in this matter you may put our DSL Hilfe App to your smartphone and do the First Aid before you call the helpline. You can find it here


Have an nice weekend. :-)




  • Autor
  • Neuling
  • 14 Antworten
  • 25. Oktober 2019

Hi @Joe Doe 

Here’s the screen grabs for you. Sorry for delay, I was not home until now



Again, thank you so much for all your help. If there is any other information from the router you’d be interested in just let me know. 

Yes, I will not wait so long next time. I did think it was a configuration issue and had tried various settings, searched on line etc but nothing stood out. I think maybe I just accepted that 20mb down was not too much of an issue in the grand scheme of things of life. I am very glad I finally left a post here and thankful for your help! 

And thnak you @o2_Manga for droping in and for pointing me to the link. 

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