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Warum O2 Service

Porting number to o2 from another provider

Hello, I ordered new mobile phone with new sim card last week. And I want to keep my existing number and keep using it. I submitted the form for porting my number to O2 and I already cancelled my current contract with my current provider. So I have less than 30 days to port my number to o2, otherwise they’ll cancel my number. 



Last time we did the same thing for my wife and we received an email and sms messages which indicates that o2 receives our porting request and they’ll process it. And after 2-3 days o2 provided the exact date that they’ll port mobile number. 



But this time I haven’t received any messages or emails from O2. And I couldn’t find a website that I can check the progress or status. Is there an issue with it? Can somebody help me to check the status?

3 Antworten

  • 50002 Antworten
  • 5. Dezember 2023

Hello @ozgurustun,

Is the contract already active? Then order the number portability again in the online area.

Best regards

  • Autor
  • Neuling
  • 1 Antwort
  • 5. Dezember 2023

Yes, it’s already active and I already applied multiple times. 

  • Team
  • 13177 Antworten
  • 8. Dezember 2023

Hello @ozgurustun,
Porting the number is currently only possible via the hotline. Please call here: 089 66 66 30 08 1

Best regards,

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