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Why my plan is not activated “bestellt, wartet auf Aufladung”

I tried to not do anything automatic because in my experience o2 never understands what I need. 
So I cancel all plans, then add 10 euros which is inmediately debited. Then I add the L pack, and then this for a couple of days. I need internet and this never helps, also the fact that the plans are for 28 days, who came with this terrible idea, but ok, that’s not important now. 

I need a solution for this, need my plan activated and running ASAP. Thank you o2 team. 


Edit by o2_Manuela: mobile number deleted. //03.08.22, 12:57 Uhr

Hey @Guido Palmadessa ,
welcome to the Community 💙
So sorry that your o2 my Prepaid Data Pack L could not be booked immediately, due to a system error.
As I can see, your Data Pack L, was activated since then.
Do not hesitate to use the comment section, if you need further support.
Best, Matea

Hello, sory to tell you that is not true, it got re-charged because i top another 10€!! So i payed 20 euros for 4 gb, what is going on with this! Please im desperate to understand why it keeps working like this. 

As you can see how my pack was updated please check how much i spend lately in a couple of gigas and give me an answer, 



Hey @Guido Palmadessa ,

sory to tell you that is not true

Not true as in, your Pack is not activated by now or the whole Situation ? Otherwise I have to take further action if the Pack is not working at all?

As you can see how my pack was updated please check how much i spend lately in a couple of gigas and give me an answer,

I understand your frustration and I’m here to help. So please watch your tone!
Regarding you “double” payment, I just checked and can confirm, that you payed 10EUR for an Data pack which could not be activated.
I just arraged a chargeback and you will be additionally informed by SMS.

Have a nice day

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