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Warum O2

I have automatic top-up activated, you should take the money on the 28th of each month. So why do I get this text regularly:


“Guten Tag, Ihr/e o2 my Prepaid M wurde nicht verlängert! Bei Aufladung bis zum 06.07.2023 erfolgt die Verlängerung automatisch. Tipp: Immer ausreichend Guthaben durch Aufladung mit SEPA Lastschrift, jetzt online oder über die Mein o2 App anmelden Ihr o2 Team”


What is the point in setting up automatic payment if there will be another 9 days until you actually apply the Smart M tariff??

The prepaid options have a term of 28 days (4 weeks).
You have set in Mein o2 that the top-up should take place monthly. Therefore, there is a gap of 2-3 days, which increases over time.

Change the setting in Mein o2 as follows and the problem will then be fixed.



Gebühren für Packs und Flatrates sollen von meinem Bankkonto abgebucht werden, wenn das Prepaid Guthaben nicht ausreicht.

Fees for packs and flat rates should be debited from my bank account if the prepaid balance is insufficient.

Hello @Flapface ,

you can use tearsbeforecrying picture to solve your issue. Afterwards your Prepaid M package will automatically be renewed when it runs out instead of once per month. If you have any further questions, please let us know.


Kind regards, Sven

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