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Dear O2 team,

I would like to switch from a prepaid tarif to a 2-year contract. I have read the previous posts about the topic and I am worried that during the porting my number will be temporarily suspended. I use it for work and I cannot afford in any way to have it not working for a while. 

Is there any solution you can suggest me? 

Thank you in advance for your help,

mit freundlichen Grüßen


That is not possible.

Hi @Alex. A.


welcome to our English community. :hugging:


@Denner is totally correct. A transfer from a prepaid-card to a 2 years-postpaid-contract is not possible. You will certainly get a new mobile phone number. 


Would you like to do the change despite getting a new mobile phone number? 


If yes, just let me know the data-volume that you desire. Do you like to order a device also? Just have a look here: I am willing to give you an interesting offer by e-mail. 


I look forward to your response. 


Loving greetings,


Geht portieren von o2 prepaid zu postpaid noch?

Hallo @Denner ,


ja, das sollte noch möglich sein.


Viele Grüße,


Deine Antwort