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Warum O2


I activated my prepaid SIM card yesterday morning and was able to use it for hours. It was steady, high speed, had no problem. But in the afternoon, after I traveled to Amsterdam, Holland, the SIM card stopped working. 
I tried turn on/off the phone. I checked the settings. However, it is still not working. 
The phone shows that it has two or sometime four reception in LTE. But it won’t work. 
I can somehow make a phone call while my phone is connected to WIFI.

How can I make this SIM card work?

o2_Antje: Moved from Prepaid to Englisch Community / 06.08.2023 

Hi @Saurus 

Welcome to our o2 Community.

A missing APN in the settings of your smartphone is often the reason why you cannot surf abroad. Can you check the settings there, or is everything working now?

Kind regards Matze 


APN settings seems fine. I have been in France and Spain and still not internet working. 
I have been receiving this text message : Hallo, das Highspeed-Datenvolumen deiner Surf Dayflat ist verbraucht. Du willst für den Rest des Tages ungedrosselt weiter surfen? Einfach auf diese SMS mit JA antworten und sofort 30 MB für einmalig 2.99 Euro erhalten. Angebot gültig bis 08.08.2023. Du hast ein 14-tägiges Widerrufsrecht. Weitere Infos: Dein o2 Team


why does it I used all my date out? It has worked only for a couple of hours since I purchased and it was a 15 GB SIM card. 

When did you purchase what package? Did you receive an confirmation?


The German message says that you have a dayflat an the included data is used up. You can purchase new data by writing JA per SMS (30MB for 2,99€).

This was 15gb prepaid SIM card and I followed activation process that was on the package. Should I reply JA every day to use 15GB?!

No, By sending JA you have 30MB for 2,99€.

It seems like the 15GB are not active outside Germany. Whats the name of your Prepaid-Tariff?

I tried replying JA one time and even that I didn’t have connection. and now it says my credit is not enough. 
This was the package of my SIM card. It wasn’t 15 but 12.


Dear @Saurus ,

welcome to our community. 🌤️

A data pack was ordered, but it has not yet been booked because there was not enough credit. If your SIM card is loaded with sufficient credit, then the pack is also activated. At the moment, you use the Surf-Day-Flat at 0.99 euros per day. I cann’t see a lock for the foreign countrys.

Kind regards,


So the data didn’t come with this SIM card automatically and I had to order? How can I charge the credit to complete order?

Hi @Saurus, yes thats correct. You have to order the tariff.

We have some great threads for all prepaid questions:

Kind regards, Ines.

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