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Warum O2

Hi there,

I would like to ask that my postpaid SIM contract is ending in 120 days but I have a mobile phone contract and I have already pre order a new phone means new contact. My question is regarding my my device contract is cancelling my postpaid SIM contract makes any change to my device contract ( do I have to pay all the amount in single ) ?  or It will go smoothly like its going now. Thank you


Kinds Regards,


Edit: verschoben aus Mobilfunk Verträge, 06.02.2023, 20.39 Uhr, o2_Micha

Hey @Muhammad Abdullah,
great that you have found us :-)
So let me repeat your question, to make sure that we have got everything right.
You have one conract that you have cancelled and it is ending in 120 days.

  • postpaid SIM contract is ending in 120 days

Then you have another conract, which is Hardware only?

  • but I have a mobile phone contract.

On Top of that you have pre ordered a new phone

  • I have already pre order a new phone means new contact.

Now you want to know if, regarding of the cacellation of your sim card- / tariff - contract (only), it will have any influences on
your phone contract? And if you will have to pay all the amount in single  or if It will go smoothly like its going now? 

Without beeing informed about all the details and conditions of your contracts, I can say that in general,
as long as you continue paying your monthly installment, everything will go smoothly.
But If you want, I sure can take a closer look at your account and situation?
Best regards, Matea


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