Warum O2

porting to o2 from lebara

  • 15 February 2020
  • 1 Antwort
  • 246 Aufrufe

i have already reuested number porting from lebara to o2 15 days back.

previous provider says its ready for porting. but i get no response from o2 (no sms)



i have prepaid o2  and requested the porting immediately  but no response…

can you please explain me what should i do.


Lösung von Sandroschubert 16 February 2020, 10:44

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1 Antwort

Vermeide bitte Doppel bzw. Multipostings zu einem Thema. Dort geht es weiter https://hilfe.o2online.de/prepaid-19/number-porting-to-o2-524321#post2030856