Warum O2

Porting my prepay number from Telekom to O2


 My number is free from Telekom now to go to O2 it s a prepay number. I need help to do the next steps with O2, I am trying online but it isnt working. Is there any English cx that I can call to help? Or  what should I do?



Lösung von o2_Tobias 26 November 2021, 17:41

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27 Antworten

Hi Andrea! If I did it it was by mistake I am not sure but maybe It happened because the first sim card took so long to arrive on my address, someone advice me here on the chat to make sure it was ordered, so I thought It wasn't for any website issue reason. So I didn't receive the first sim card after 7 days from the order so I sent the same form again but I thought it would be regarding to the same. Now I have it and I don't need, so what should I do? Thanks

Benutzerebene 7

Dear @Iane Oliveira ,

the good thing about prepaid cards is, that they cost nothing if you don't use them. If you don't activate the card and don't use it, there are no costs for you.

Kind regards,


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