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Warum O2

I have recently applied for the number portability process from O2 to has requested me to contact you and ask you to release my simcard and make it available for porting.

My simcard is Prepaid and does not have contract binding to it. I tried calling the English hotline but unfortunately they anwsered that Prepaid is not serviced by them. 

I want to ask for Porting Declaration for my number.

Please release my number for porting so that I will be able to order the porting with my new provider.



o2_Katja: Moved to our english community

Hello @Nat.Ivanova ,

you can do it with your O2 App go to

Tarif & Optionen” -


 “Rufnummer jetzt freigeben”


You habe to pay 6,82 Euro



Dear @Nat.Ivanova ,

welcome to our community. 🐞

I was just about to look up the porting declaration for you and I see that it has been entered for you. Does everything fit for you now?

Thanks to @dSkill  for the hint to the app.

Kind regrads,


Yes, thank you! the task is already solved, I required via O2 app and that helped!




Hi @Nat.Ivanova ,


great - thanks for your reply! Please feel free to contact us here again if new questions come up 😊

Best regards,

Deine Antwort