I have a ticket out about this already but this was at the end of last year and nothing has changed or got better either with my signal or the wifi connection on my phone and I haven’t received any updates since then. I can’t take phone or wifi based calls in my house as they constantly cut out. I have resorted to Facetime Audio on my desktop as its the only thing that holds. Visitors on other networks have no issues, it’s just O2.
Postcode is 10405, nearest street is Mülhauser Str
Can you please update me on the situation here and if it ever will get better?
Thanks in advance
o2_Antje: Moved from Wohnzimmer to English Community / 20.04.2023 / 10:20 Uhr
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Hello @initium , thanks for posting and sharing your request regarding network issues with our community. Sorry to read that you got this issue for such a long time. I could not find an actuall issue at the given adress. What kind of tarif plan and hardware are you using? Which netword mode is choosen? Do you have the problems only at this adress or else where as well?
kindly regards Michael
Hello @o2_Micha,
Thanks for your reply. This is weird as when we made a ticket with O2 on the phone they said they could see there was an issue and would get back to me when it was resolved. They even updated me a week later to say it was not resolved yet and then nothing since. This was on 16.12.22. The text actually reads “Despite intensive efforts, we have unfortunately not yet been able to remedy the impaiment. We expect to remedy the impairment by 22.12.2022 and we will contact you as soon as there is new” I can give you the ticket number if it helps?
My plan is O2 Free Unlimited Smart (LTE/5G), I have an iPhone 13 Pro and I use the 5G Auto mode (is that what you meant?). The problems are mostly at this address but often other places. There are times when I have great signal when I am out though, so its not constantly bad in different places. My friend often visits me here and has much better reception on the Telecom network.
I hope that helps and I look forward to your reply.
Hello @initium,
have you tried whether it works better if you switch off 5G?
5G coverage is available at your address, however there may be restrictions inside buildings:
Best regards
Hello @o2_Giulia
Thanks for your reply. Yes I have been trying this, it doesn’t help. It’s just the same really, maybe some flashes of coverage but it doesn’t last. It’s still very bad in here and I can’t have any web based conversations on my phone and apss are very hard to use as the connection drops constantly.
What can I do to get better coverage? It’s really not acceptable how bad it is here. I am not sure how this correwspeonds to what you see, I can only go on what actually happens inside my flat with me and everyone else who is on o2 when they come here, but not other carriers.
Thanks in advance for any help
Hello @initium ,
there isn’t really anything that you can do with your phone to improve coverage within a certain space. Outside of additional stations around you that improve coverage or potential upgrades to existing stations, what you currently have is what you can work with. Unlike with the usage of a router, there isn’t really a chance to use an external antenna to improve reception.
Kind regards, Sven
Hello @o2_Sven,
Ok so I am paying for a connection that doesn’t work where I use it most. Why is it that other networks get better connection here than o2?
Dear @initium ,
I can't tell you what's different on other networks, but it's possible that the other people you're talking about have different smartphones than you do. Not everyone is the same and has the same good antennas. That can also have an influence on reception. In principle, the reception in the LTE range should be good and no interference can be detected. You can try inserting your SIM card into another mobile phone to see if it improves.
Kind regards,
Dear @o2_Andrea,
Thanks for the reply. Are you saying that it's likely my smartphone thats causing the bad reception? If so could you expand on wny that would be please?
LTE makes very little difference, and still get total reception blackouts on calls/wifi calls no matter where I am in the house
Hey @initium,
may I ask which device are you using? :) Are you having the outages only at your home address or in general (e.g other cities )?
Greetings, Flo
Hello @o2_Micha,
Thanks for your reply. This is weird as when we made a ticket with O2 on the phone they said they could see there was an issue and would get back to me when it was resolved. They even updated me a week later to say it was not resolved yet and then nothing since. This was on 16.12.22. The text actually reads “Despite intensive efforts, we have unfortunately not yet been able to remedy the impaiment. We expect to remedy the impairment by 22.12.2022 and we will contact you as soon as there is new” I can give you the ticket number if it helps?
My plan is O2 Free Unlimited Smart (LTE/5G), I have an iPhone 13 Pro and I use the 5G Auto mode (is that what you meant?). The problems are mostly at this address but often other places. There are times when I have great signal when I am out though, so its not constantly bad in different places. My friend often visits me here and has much better reception on the Telecom network.
I hope that helps and I look forward to your reply.
Hi @o2_Flo,
Please see my first post above.
My home address is the worst and around this area generally. I spoke to a friend who lives close to me on Prenzlauer Allee and he has the exact same issue.
Hey @initium,
Sorry. Obviously, I overlooked this information in your answer. I just looked it up again. There is no malfunction reported for this area. A station serving 2G is not currently in service, but that should not cause the kind of interference you mention.
Two other possibilities come to mind: You could test the SIM card in another device and see if the signal is more stable.
It could also be due to the structural environment. Thick walls, building material etc.
I'm sorry that I can't give you any other information.
Greetings, Flo
Hey @initium,
can I help you any further?
Greetings, Flo
Hey @initium,
Sorry. Obviously, I overlooked this information in your answer. I just looked it up again. There is no malfunction reported for this area. A station serving 2G is not currently in service, but that should not cause the kind of interference you mention.
Two other possibilities come to mind: You could test the SIM card in another device and see if the signal is more stable.
It could also be due to the structural environment. Thick walls, building material etc.
I'm sorry that I can't give you any other information.
Greetings, Flo
Thanks @o2_Flo,
I dont have another device to test it in as yet, but even if it did work in the other device, this would not help the issue as this is the device I have recently bought and the one I will be using to make/receive calls. When I want to make ot receive a call either mobile or web based, I have to walk out on the street nearby to get reception which is obviously not ideal. I have lived here for over 10 years and it is only in the last year this has got very bad, so I can’t see how it would be the building material or thick walls causing it?
By what you are saying, I would need a new phone to get better reception here, but I just bought this one. I can’t really see that I have any options to get my reception back to what it was like here? New SIM card? I really am not seeing a solution. I’d be happy for a suggestion for one.
Hey @initium,
Hey, I can understand your annoyance very well. That you try the SIM in another device should, among other things, test whether your device has a defect or perhaps the SIM card. This is called cross exchange. In the best case, you then test another o2 SIM in your device.
If it has worked for 10 years and now no longer, there must have been some change.
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