Warum O2

Itemised Call list with EVN activated on my contract

  • 25 February 2024
  • 6 Antworten
  • 48 Aufrufe


can you please let me know how I can get an itemised call list?  I have EVN activated on my account.

However it does not seem to be possible to get this call list from “mein 02”

Unfortunately the English hotline was not able to assist me in this case.

If possible, can you please provide an email address or contact details where I can work with someone on this ?

Thanks, GerDeu..



Lösung von bs0 25 February 2024, 11:13

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6 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7

Have you made calls that are not covered by a flatrate? Only chargeable calls are shown in the itemized bill and as such this is only produced if there were chargeable calls in the billing period.

Im EVN werden nur abrechnungsrelevante Verbindungen aufgeführt (also solche, die zusätzliche Kosten verursachen).

Eine vollständige Anruf-Liste hast du ja in deinem Handy, o2 kann und wird dir eine solche nicht zur Verfügung stellen.

Many thanks.  Essentially all I need is a statement from O2 for one day with the following information - No PII information is required, just a log of the times and calls.  z.B:

Date Time Direction Type
26.02.2024 0830 Outgoing Phone call
26.02.2024 0900 Incoming SMS


Yes, I have this information on my phone’s call log and sms.  But I need the above information from O2’s systems.   The question is - how can I get this information from O2 ?  GDPR ?  Letter from lawyer ?


der EVN  wird nach der Aktivierung fühestens mit der nächsten Rechnung bereitgestellt,

eingehende Anrufe werden gar nicht gespeichert,
ausgehende Anrufe nur, wenn diese kostenpfllichtig waren,
also nicht in der Telefonflat enthalten sind.

the EVN is provided with the next bill at the earliest after activation,

incoming calls are not stored at all,
outgoing calls only if they were subject to a charge,
not included in the telephone flat rate.
(with translator)

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7

Neither you nor a lawyer will be able to obtain this information. Why is your phone's log not sufficient for your use case? It almost certainly contains more information than the provider stores.

A court can require the provider to release information if there are grounds to do so in connection with certain serious criminal offences, but the providers only store limited connection data for a short period of time.

Hello and welcome to the community @GermanyDeutschland. 💙

As correctly mentioned here, we can only send the EVN if it has been activated.

However, the EVN would only list the items that have generated costs outside of your flat rate.

We cannot provide any further information about incoming or outgoing calls or SMS here.

Kind regards



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