Warum O2


  • 9 March 2024
  • 1 Antwort
  • 19 Aufrufe

Hello dear friends. I have a question. In these days my internet isn't working properly and the speed of my internet simcard is very low. It's the 3rd day that I have this problem and I can't do anything. If someone has more information, I'll be glad to know about it. Thank you 

edited by Thomas3: Thread moved from Dig. Wohnzimmer to English O₂Community/Mobile 09.03.24/11:32

1 Antwort

Hello @Ami.r ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

The first thing I’d advise when you are having issues with your mobile connections, is to check what exactly the LiveCheck is showing for your address. That way you can see if an issue with one of the stations near you is already known or you can yourself open up a ticket, that you are currently experiencing issues there.


Kind regards, Sven

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