Warum O2

Contract Termination Acknowledgement

  • 30 May 2020
  • 1 Antwort
  • 43 Aufrufe

Dear O2 Team,

I have send signed copy of O2 mobile contract termination application to O2. However I have not received any acknowledgement yet from O2. I can share scan copy of contract termination application and postal acknowledgement receipt, if required. The application was sent with over 4 months left for completion of contract period.

Kindly confirm the status and confirm by when O2 will send letter confirming cancellation of my contract


Thanks and Best Regards



Edit o2_Vivian: verschoben von o2 Mobilfunk: Vertrag & Tarife zu English o2 Community: Mobile

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1 Antwort

Hello @PTIND ,


I answered you in this thread https://hilfe.o2online.de/english-o2-community-mobile-43/contract-termination-536186 and closing this one. :wink:


Best regards,
