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Dear Team,
I requested the O2 to hold my contract (monthly charges basically) for one year as I went back to my native country India. I will be coming back in February 2021. It was confirmed by Alexandar platz (Berlin) O2 outlet that I won’t be charged for a year and my number will remain inactive for a year. But O2 is charging me every month despite of sending so many reminders over the email. It is ridiculous to see the monthly bill of 19.99 Euros and paying them without even using it.
I am quite disappointed with the services of O2 and way they they handle their customers, specially during these pandemic situations and now planning to bring it to the knowledge of all groups of Indians in Germany on social media. At least, whosoever is coming to Germany for first time, won’t be cheated by O2.


Edit o2_Matze moved from Broadband to english mobile   

Hi @Deepankar :relaxed:


there went something technically wrong I guess. Do you want us to take a look into it?

If so, we would send you a private message to check your customer data first.


Best regards,


Hello @o2_Michi

Thanks for your prompt response. I really wish your back-end team had have responded to my various faxes for holding my monthly fixed charges. As I have left the country (Germany) on March 5th and it was requested to stop services (temporary hold for one year) but I have been charged every single month since then so there is no point to continue with your services. 

Yes, I want you to take a look on this and send me a private message to close the issue urgently so that I won’t be charged further unnecessary.  

with warm regards,

Deepankar Tomar


@o2_Michi, I am still awaiting to hear from you. I strongly believe that you must already be working on my request and already have taken necessary actions on it. I request you to please update my on this as it is making me upset and tensed as I have been charged every single month unnecessarily.

Hi @Deepankar


thanks for your patience. 


I just have sent a private message to you via @o2_Support. Please reply there to my request. 


Did you fill out a form for suspending your contract when you were in one of our shops?

Or even a cancellation for moving abroad? 


Loving greetings,




Hello  @o2_Tobias,

I am unable to respond to you on private chats. I don’t know the reason for that. Yes I filled one form and handover to your team in O2 store at Alexander Platz before I left the country. Reason to suspend the contract was I got extension of my course and I had to leave Germany for almost 10 months. So there was no other better option than to suspend it for that period rather to keep it and pay bills unnecessarily. I was assured by your team that I won’t be charged but since then I have been charged every single month. 

It is more disappointing as we usually recommend every Indien student/working professional to buy O2 sim on contract whosoever is coming to germany in all social media groups. (For reference, you can check on FB group “Indians in Germany”, “Indians in Berlin” etc. I strongly believe to get a positive feedback and kind extended support from you to get my issue resolved and get the refund of whole period since I wasn’t using it. In case of requirement, I can share my passport stamps to ensure you about my departure. 

Hi @Deepankar


thanks for your reply and your mobile phone number at @o2_Support. I am happy to hear that o2 is recommended for all Idians coming to Germany. 


As I need some further details, please reply to my request at @o2_Support


Thanks a lot. 


Loving greetings,


Hi @o2_Tobias ,

I have replied. Please check and arrange a solution to my problem. More than issue, its moreover a torture now. I seriously expect an extraordinary solution and feedback from you.

Thanking you in advance.

Warm regards,
Deepankar Tomar 

Hi @Deepankar


thanks for your details at @o2_Support


I understand that you would like to have a good solution. 


I just checked your data. Until now, we do not even have any order from you for suspending your contract for 12 months. Therefore, you also received each month your bill. 


So, I guess that something went wrong in the shop. 


I therefore ask you to fill out this form again: and send it to o2 together with the requested documents. 


Thanks a lot. 


Loving greetings,


Hello @o2_Tobias,


Thanks a lot for your prompt responses. I would like to mention that I am receiving regular support since I required in recent time (in last 2 weeks since I escalated this matter here on public platform). I am really thankful to you for that. You are very supportive and active to extend the help.

Please let me know Where to send the form? Any specific email id?

Warm regards,
Deepankar Tomar

Hi @Deepankar


thanks for your kind words. :blush:


Please send the form to the following address: 

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG


90345 Nürnberg


or by fax to  +491805 571 766


E-mail ist not possible. 


You need the following requirements to suspend your contract for the next 2-12 months: 

  • You need a valid German bank account with a direct debit authorization. :white_check_mark:

  • A suspension can only be requested for the future, not retrospectively. :white_check_mark:  Therefore, you will not receive any refund for the last months. 

  • We need an official proof of the temporary stay abroad of the contract holder during the entire period of the suspension (certificate of study, employment contract, confirmation from the employer, marching orders for soldiers, a medical certificate or certificate from the hospital in case of a stay at a health resort). 


I hope I could help you with this information. 


Loving greetings,




Dear @o2_Tobias ,


Thanks for the feedback. Its really disappointing to see that for the fault of O2 team, customer has to pay. I believe that instead of 19.99 every month, you should have charged me 19,99 every month. At least, I should be fined for my fault of using O2 connection. 

I want to discontinue my services with O2 permanently. Please advise what to do now. I just don’t want to have any kind of business relation with your company at all. 

A also urge the people to beware of frauds of O2. Never believe their stores if you’re requesting them for anything. Probably, they will mold the things as per suitability and ultimately you will be a victim of them.

Once again, thanks @o2_Tobias  for your kind support. Please proceed further to cancel my contract immediately.

Warm regards,

Deine Antwort