If you can see both contracts in one account, both are also on one invoice.
Did you take a closer look at this calculation?
If you can see both contracts in one account, both are also on one invoice.
Did you take a closer look at this calculation?
I have these contracts for years. They are under 2 different invoices. The one in the screenshot (29.82 EUR) is only my DSL.
Dear @Sagi_Guy ,
first of all, welcome to our forum. Nice that you have found your way to us. :-)
You had an account merging on January 8th. At this point your mobile contract was moved to your DSL contract. Your last bill for the DSL contract was from December 27th. At this point that two contracts were seperated. Therefore you can’t see the mobile contract on that bill. The bills of the mobile tariff won’t move to that joint account. When you need the bill the only way is to get it as a letter to the stored address on that account, but it seems to be a different/old one.
Do you have any questions about using our community? Then take a look at Neu in der o2 Community? Die wichtigsten Funktionen und Hinweise auf einen Blick. There you will find all the information you need to use!
Kind regards,
Hi @o2_Andrea
First of all, thank you very much for your answer.
Just a few small questions: why were the accounts merged? did that happen automatically for some reason? I wasn’t informed about such a thing, so I’m wondering why it happened.
So you’re now saying that I cannot see my mobile bill at all online? that sounds very strange. How can I see it? if I’m being charged for something on my mobile and I want to check it, I cannot check it online?
By the way, my stored address on my account is the correct one.
Dear @Sagi_Guy ,
an account merging does not happen automatically. You have to order it either by phone or WhatsApp or something like that. I can see you had a phonecall on that day. Did you have a conversation about a “kombivorteil” or something like that?
I can send you your bills for free (which one do you need), that’s not a problem.
Kind regards,
Hi @o2_Andrea,
I did have a phonecall on that day, but I didn’t ask to merge the accounts. I called you because a discount I had on my DSL contract for many months (a Kombi discount) was suddenly gone, although the expiration date of the discount was in the far future. I called you to ask why the discount disappeared, and the person I was talking to promised me she’s applying it again to the contract. That’s it. I never asked to merge the accounts or do anything else. Is it possible to separate the accounts again? the fact that I cannot see my mobile bills online is really uncomfortable.
Thank you.
Dear @Sagi_Guy ,
if you want the “Kombivorteil” both contract have to be on the same account. I think that is the reason, why the agent ordered that accountmerge. But he or she hat to ask you if you want this, even because you loose your online access to your old (mobile contract) bills.
A separation is possible, but you won’t get your access to the old bills back. You would get a complete new customer id. It is not possible to get the same customer id back, because the account is closed. 
I can offer you, to send your old bills by post for free, so you can take a look at them. In your next new bill you will see both contracts in one bill. Wether you wish to get the bills by post, I’ll write a private message to you, to clarify your address.
Kind regards,
Thank you. I understand now what happened and why.
I guess there’s no point to separate the accounts now.
Just to be clear - I will be able to see my future mobile charges in the same bill as my DSL charges, right?
Yes, you see future mobile charges and DSL charges in the same bill.
Dear @Sagi_Guy ,
In relation of your questen in the private message:
I submitted a credit booking for the fee of that account merge for you, because you were not informed about the account merge and the price for it. 
Is that ok for you?
Kind regards,
That is great.
Thank you @o2_Andrea .
Dear @Sagi_Guy ,
when you have further concerns don’t hesitate to contact us here in the forum. 
Kind regards,
Hi again @o2_Andrea,
I hope it’s ok I’m writing in this thread again, but I still have a problem with my bill.
Just to remind you - my DSL and mobile accounts were merged on 8/1/20 because the Kombivorteil I had for a long time suddenly disappeared.
Today I received my bill for the month of February (20.1.20-18.2.20, Rechnungsnummer 1475572317/06). Everything is ok with the calculations of the mobile and the DSL (also including the refund you did for the merging of the accounts), but I suddenly noticed that I still don’t have the Kombivorteil. I went back to the first merged bill I got (for the month of January, Rehnungsnummer 1440475297/06), and realized that I didn’t have the Kombivorteil on that one as well.
Can you please look into it?
Thank you.
Hi @Sagi_Guy
Our colleagues from backoffice will -as a gesture of goodwill- active the Kombivorteil.
You will get an e-mail and a letter with in the next few days.
My systems tells me that your mobile contract will be cancelled in three month.
Please remember, in that case the Kombivorteil will be deactivated.
Best Matze
Thank you @o2_Matze!
Will I also get a refund for the Kombivorteil that was missing on the last 2 bills?
I know my contract ends soon, but I will probably extend it with O2. I’m still waiting for a good offer on another thread I have in this forum.
Thank you @o2_Matze!
Will I also get a refund for the Kombivorteil that was missing on the last 2 bills?
Yes, the credit note is posted to your account within the next few days.
Best Matze