Hello Guten Tag, sorry for writing further in English. Hello My name is Robby Zxxxxxxxx Txx. Kunden number: 60xxxxxx90. My O2 contract '(DSL + Fixed line telephone) was terminated on 11-Aug-2021. My new Internet contract is Fibre optic with out Fixed line telephone. But I got a new Bill from O2 (Rechnungnummer xxxxxxxxxx/xx) Euro 9.37 for Rufnummernmitnahme (number portability). I DO NOT have any fixed Landline for portability, then how can O2 charge for this ?. Please do the needful so that the Bill is cancelled.
edit Thomas3 : personal data anonymized, public forum, data protection. Topic moved to DSL/Rechnung.
Edit o2_Larissa: moved to English o2 Community: Broadband / DSL