Warum O2

WLAN connected, no Internet connection with Fritzbox LTE

My internet connection suddenly disappeared on Sunday. I have tried to reboot, reset the Fritzbox 6820 LTE, tried the O2 MyService app. Everything seems good but there is no internet. All my devices say connected, no internet connection and I have the ! mark next to the wifi signal. Can anyone help?

5 Antworten

Hello @csillapl, welcome at our community.

So you have no Internet Connection since Sunday? Thats a pitty. 😯

You wrote, that you tried to reboot the Fritzbox. Have you also completely unplugged the Fritzbox?  On which devices do you use the WiFi?

Kind regards, Ines.

Hi Ines,


Thank you for your answer, in the meantime I went to a service and they could solve the problem.


Kind regards,


Hello @csillapl ,

thank you for the update. Was it an issue with the hardware or what exactly had to be done to solve your issue? If you know that is.


Best regards, Sven

Hi Sven,

The reason is not really known, the router was reinstalled and started to work again.


Best regards,


Hallo @csillapl ,

alright, if anything happens again in the future feel free to contact us here again.


Kind regards, Sven

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