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Warum O2

Dear O2 Team,

I moved to another address in September 1 and wanted to carry my DSL contract with me. The technician came on September 7. But unfortunately there was a problem with the DSL in the apartment and connection was not possible. I have been told that we need to make another appointment with technician for „Leitungsbau“ and we need the „Baugenehmigung des Vermieters“. This is very inconvenient and impossible for us. We decided to switch to Kabel from DSL. On September 8 I called o2 call center and we made a new contract for „o2 my Home“, with an installation appointment on 01.10.2021. The appointment was almost a month later. But okay. I have made my international travel arrangement according this „Termin“. And today I got a new email from o2, this time my „Wunschtermin“ is 19.10.2021. 

This is very inconvenient for us. Practically we are without internet for more than a month. We are working from home. O2 provided me some extra Datenvolume for my handy. But when I am not home, my housemate can’t use the internet. Even when I at home, sharing the internet from my Handy is not all the time convenient.

So please, provide us an earlier termin or send us an o2 Homespot with an extra simcard until the new „Wunschtermin“. If these solutions are not possible we would like to cancel my Internet contract (Wiederrufen), as well as my Handy contract after its Vertragslaufzeit.


Thank you very much for your help.

Hi @burak136 
Welcome to our o2 Community.

My system tells me that you were able to clarify all open questions with customer service.
If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us again.

Best Regards Matze 

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