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Warum O2

I recently switched from a DSL contract to a new contract with a 5G home spot, because in my new appartment this was more convenient.

As I received a new “kundennummer”, I assume I will need to register this in “Mein O2” again, as I will need a new account. (I am writing this from my old DSL contract account that will be terminated in a couple of days)

However, whenever I try to register in Mein O2, I get the error  "Dieser Service ist aktuell nicht erreichbar. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut." (in the screen where I fill in my PKK, nutzername, and neues kennwort).

I do all this in my browser. I cannot download the app yet as it is not available in my country (I recently moved here from the Netherlands). I do want to change to a German phone number, but to set up a phone contract I would like to login to Mein O2 as well to possibly claim benefits from already being an O2 customer.

So, is there any way for me to register and be able to access Mein O2?



please use the new mobile number

to register.

It does not ask for a mobile number, it only asks for this:


Furthermore, I only know my festnetznummer. In the email I received, the festnetznummer is fully written, while the mobilfunknummer is written as “Mobilfunknummer: 0176XXXXX189”..

Hi @Kysera,


welcome in our Community😊

Please use your mobile number as the Username to register your contract. Please inform us if it was successfull.


Best regards, Marco

Hi @Kysera,


further we would be happy when we get a Feedback from you. 😊


Best regards, Marco

Hi @o2_Marco 


How can we use mobile number as the Username to register, because we only have first and last three numbers ..Mobilfunknummer: 0176XXXXX328. 

Your answer don't match the question, as @Kysera  said that he has got festnetznummer but Mobilfunknummer: 0176XXXXX189. 


There are 100000 possibilities (from 00000 to 99999)

Hi @Obeid,


sorry, you are right. I did not saw the last sentence. Thank you for the hint. 😊


Best regards, Marco

Hi @Kysera,


sorry for my mistake. Please try the registration with the landline number. Than it will be possible.


Best regards, Marco

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