Warum ich zahle jede monat, wenn mein Contract is fertig?
Hallo Ich sende Ihnen diese mail weil ich habe 2 monaten ein bill sagen ich muss zahlen geld, aber mein konto is fertig und ich nicht leben in deutschland jetzt.
( sorry mein german is not good, but I want to know why i need pay every month, even my contract finish in February and also I not live anymore in Germany? I'm tired of this emails, what i can do? I just ignore? Please I need some help of anyone, thank you very much
This is email i get last month I paid because i thought maybe was last letter or something
Einmalgebühren Rücklastschriftgebühr wegen nicht erfolgreicher Abbuchung - 03.04.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 4,0000 Mahngebühr - 04.04.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 1,2000
But this month this again, I not want to pay all my life 4 Euros every month:
Einmalgebühren Rücklastschriftgebühr wegen nicht erfolgreicher Abbuchung - 08.05.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 4,0000
Any help will be good. really thanks
Edit by o2_Katja: Identische Themen zusammengeführt
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Hallo Ich sende Ihnen diese mail weil ich habe 2 monaten ein bill sagen ich muss zahlen geld, aber mein konto is fertig und ich nicht leben in deutschland jetzt.
( sorry mein german is not good, but I want to know why i need pay every month, even my contract finish in February and also I not live anymore in Germany? I'm tired of this emails, what i can do? I just ignore? Please I need some help of anyone, thank you very much
This is email i get last month I paid because i thought maybe was last letter or something
Einmalgebühren Rücklastschriftgebühr wegen nicht erfolgreicher Abbuchung - 03.04.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 4,0000 Mahngebühr - 04.04.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 1,2000
But this month this again, I not want to pay all my life 4 Euros every month:
Einmalgebühren Rücklastschriftgebühr wegen nicht erfolgreicher Abbuchung - 08.05.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 4,0000
Any help will be good. really thanks
( sorry mein german is not good, but I want to know why i need pay every month, even my contract finish in February and also I not live anymore in Germany? I'm tired of this emails, what i can do? I just ignore? Please I need some help of anyone, thank you very much
This is email i get last month I paid because i thought maybe was last letter or something
Einmalgebühren Rücklastschriftgebühr wegen nicht erfolgreicher Abbuchung - 03.04.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 4,0000 Mahngebühr - 04.04.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 1,2000
But this month this again, I not want to pay all my life 4 Euros every month:
Einmalgebühren Rücklastschriftgebühr wegen nicht erfolgreicher Abbuchung - 08.05.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 4,0000
Any help will be good. really thanks
You have to cancel the contract...
I already cancel in February and I get the letter and the Email, but I still recive new Email notificacions...
Hello, Sorry I dont know how to use or to who contact, so I write my problem here, bcause I read before some another person have same problem as me.
I finish my contract in February 2019 because I leave Germany and I sent the letter and back the router DSL all in time, I get confirmatio Email too of my contract is finish and I pay aroung 80 Euros, in the end I pay the extra amount for finish the contract before one year. But I still get notification in April for 5 euros, i dont know for what was that, but anyway I paid with my another bank account ( because i dont have my German Bank Account anymore) . This month I get again a new notification in my email, they saying i need pay 4 euros this time..
Sorry but I can no understand this letter and why i need still pay every month is a mistake from the computer O2? I ignore this or what is the solution I can have? . I really get stress for this notifications every month.. I just not want receive more notifications of O2 company anymore in my Email. I try contact by phone, but not possible speak with anyone in English, sometimes the finish the call when I asking for someone in English... I'm really sad, because I dont know what I can do... anything help will be good. Thanks
This was the first infoomation last month
Einmalgebühren Rücklastschriftgebühr wegen nicht erfolgreicher Abbuchung - 03.04.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 4,0000 Mahngebühr - 04.04.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 1,2000
and this is the information of this month
Einmalgebühren Rücklastschriftgebühr wegen nicht erfolgreicher Abbuchung - 08.05.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 4,0000
I finish my contract in February 2019 because I leave Germany and I sent the letter and back the router DSL all in time, I get confirmatio Email too of my contract is finish and I pay aroung 80 Euros, in the end I pay the extra amount for finish the contract before one year. But I still get notification in April for 5 euros, i dont know for what was that, but anyway I paid with my another bank account ( because i dont have my German Bank Account anymore) . This month I get again a new notification in my email, they saying i need pay 4 euros this time..
Sorry but I can no understand this letter and why i need still pay every month is a mistake from the computer O2? I ignore this or what is the solution I can have? . I really get stress for this notifications every month.. I just not want receive more notifications of O2 company anymore in my Email. I try contact by phone, but not possible speak with anyone in English, sometimes the finish the call when I asking for someone in English... I'm really sad, because I dont know what I can do... anything help will be good. Thanks
This was the first infoomation last month
Einmalgebühren Rücklastschriftgebühr wegen nicht erfolgreicher Abbuchung - 03.04.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 4,0000 Mahngebühr - 04.04.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 1,2000
and this is the information of this month
Einmalgebühren Rücklastschriftgebühr wegen nicht erfolgreicher Abbuchung - 08.05.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 4,0000
Hi @o2_Tobias , sorry I write here but I dont know where more to write.
I finish my contract in February because I leave Germany and I sent the letter and back the router DSL all in time, in the end I pay the extra amount for finish the contract before one year but I still get notification in April for 5 euros, i dont know for what was that, but I paid with my another bank account ( because i dont have my German account anymore) . This month I get again a new notification in my email, they saying i need pay 4 euros this time..
Sorry but I can no understand this letter and why i need still pay every month is a mistake from the computer O2? I ignore this or what is the solution I can have? . I really get stress for this notifications every month.. I just not want receive more notifications of O2 company anymore in my Email.
This was the first infromation last month
Einmalgebühren Rücklastschriftgebühr wegen nicht erfolgreicher Abbuchung - 03.04.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 4,0000 Mahngebühr - 04.04.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 1,2000
and this is the information of this month
Einmalgebühren Rücklastschriftgebühr wegen nicht erfolgreicher Abbuchung - 08.05.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 4,0000
I finish my contract in February because I leave Germany and I sent the letter and back the router DSL all in time, in the end I pay the extra amount for finish the contract before one year but I still get notification in April for 5 euros, i dont know for what was that, but I paid with my another bank account ( because i dont have my German account anymore) . This month I get again a new notification in my email, they saying i need pay 4 euros this time..
Sorry but I can no understand this letter and why i need still pay every month is a mistake from the computer O2? I ignore this or what is the solution I can have? . I really get stress for this notifications every month.. I just not want receive more notifications of O2 company anymore in my Email.
This was the first infromation last month
Einmalgebühren Rücklastschriftgebühr wegen nicht erfolgreicher Abbuchung - 03.04.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 4,0000 Mahngebühr - 04.04.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 1,2000
and this is the information of this month
Einmalgebühren Rücklastschriftgebühr wegen nicht erfolgreicher Abbuchung - 08.05.2019 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 4,0000
Hi @Luis1986Dusseledorf ,
thanks for your message.
In order to check all details, I have just sent a private message from o2_Support to you.
Please reply to this private message.
Thanks a lot.
Loving greetings,
thanks for your message.
In order to check all details, I have just sent a private message from o2_Support to you.
Please reply to this private message.
Thanks a lot.
Loving greetings,
Thanks a lot for the answer @o2_Tobias I answer now to the private message, I hope the information is correct. Thanks
Hi @Luis1986Dusseledorf ,
your contract was terminated on time, but since the sum of a previous bill had not been transferred successfully by direct debit at the first try, an extra fee of 4 EUR was still outstanding.
And because your German bank account of which this sum was supposed to be taken from as the last step is not connected to you anymore, this fee kept coming back on the next bill, as it were.
But I can see that this has been taken care of today, so from now on, you shouldn't receive any further bills regarding your terminated DSL contract.
Best regards,
your contract was terminated on time, but since the sum of a previous bill had not been transferred successfully by direct debit at the first try, an extra fee of 4 EUR was still outstanding.
And because your German bank account of which this sum was supposed to be taken from as the last step is not connected to you anymore, this fee kept coming back on the next bill, as it were.
But I can see that this has been taken care of today, so from now on, you shouldn't receive any further bills regarding your terminated DSL contract.
Best regards,
Hi @Luis1986Dusseledorf ,
I just moved your messages from https://hilfe.o2online.de/mobilfunk-vertrag-tarife-15/stoerungsbehebung-ansprechpartner-494906 and from https://hilfe.o2online.de/english-o2-community-43/contract-termination-499050 to here.
We have already clarified your issue.
Loving greetings,
I just moved your messages from https://hilfe.o2online.de/mobilfunk-vertrag-tarife-15/stoerungsbehebung-ansprechpartner-494906 and from https://hilfe.o2online.de/english-o2-community-43/contract-termination-499050 to here.
We have already clarified your issue.
Loving greetings,
Hello @o2_Tobias I'm @Luis1986Dusseledorf , I make new account, because I can not login in my older account is not activated anymore , I send this Email, because the problem still happend. i still get Emails, this time is 4 Euros, what I do? I ignoring? Is normal I still get Email, whn this will stop?
Attach the information of the Email I get
4,00 EUR
20.05.2019 –
Rechnung einsehen
Ihre Rechnung können Sie jetzt auch in der Mein o2 App einsehen.
Klicken Sie hier. ( This not works because I not client anymore since February)
Haben Sie Fragen zu Ihrer Rechnung?
Klicken Sie hier. ( This not works because I not client anymore since February)
Thanks for your attention.
Attach the information of the Email I get
4,00 EUR
20.05.2019 –
Rechnung einsehen
Ihre Rechnung können Sie jetzt auch in der Mein o2 App einsehen.
Klicken Sie hier. ( This not works because I not client anymore since February)
Haben Sie Fragen zu Ihrer Rechnung?
Klicken Sie hier. ( This not works because I not client anymore since February)
Thanks for your attention.
Hello @o2_Jan , I'm @Luis1986Dusseledorf , I make new account, because I can not login in my older account is not activated anymore , I send this Email, because the problem still happend again. i still get Emails, this time is 4 Euros, what I do? I ignoring? Is normal I still get Email, when this will stop?
Attach the information of the Email I get
4,00 EUR
20.05.2019 –
Rechnung einsehen
Ihre Rechnung können Sie jetzt auch in der Mein o2 App einsehen.
Klicken Sie hier. ( This not works because I not client anymore since February)
Haben Sie Fragen zu Ihrer Rechnung?
Klicken Sie hier. ( This not works because I not client anymore since February)
Thanks for your attention.
Attach the information of the Email I get
4,00 EUR
20.05.2019 –
Rechnung einsehen
Ihre Rechnung können Sie jetzt auch in der Mein o2 App einsehen.
Klicken Sie hier. ( This not works because I not client anymore since February)
Haben Sie Fragen zu Ihrer Rechnung?
Klicken Sie hier. ( This not works because I not client anymore since February)
Thanks for your attention.
Hi @Luis1986Dusseledorf_2 ,
oh dear, this is exactly what we had hoped wouldn't happen:
The deletion of said 4 EUR in your account by@o2_Tobias had actually been successful, but due to unfortunate timing by our financial department, it coincided with the new attempt of a direct debit of said 4 EUR from your account.
In other words: You don't need to pay anything, we will delete those 4 EUR again, and if things go as planned you will hopefully not get any further bills from us, at last.
Sorry for the inconveniences,
best regards,
oh dear, this is exactly what we had hoped wouldn't happen:
The deletion of said 4 EUR in your account by
In other words: You don't need to pay anything, we will delete those 4 EUR again, and if things go as planned you will hopefully not get any further bills from us, at last.

Sorry for the inconveniences,
best regards,
Please delete my information from your database; I just want O2 stop send me Emails with bills and stop writen here every month; I’m really tired; I get stress of this Emails.
Is not fair I cancel my account in February and now in August still have this problem. sorry but I became really tired. i regret the day when I made the contract with the company o2.
Ps: I attach the picture of this month Email..
Dear @Luis1986Dusseledorf_2 ,
the problem is, that you always get late in touch with us, so the credit booking ist just short before the debiting from the bank account. When a debiting is targeted it can't be stopped and then the money is reversed again.
Now I made a credit booking of the double amount, so I hope your account is still covered when the next credit booking happens. I also stopped the SEPA direct debit mandate and changed the direct debiting service to remittance.
Kind regards,
the problem is, that you always get late in touch with us, so the credit booking ist just short before the debiting from the bank account. When a debiting is targeted it can't be stopped and then the money is reversed again.
Now I made a credit booking of the double amount, so I hope your account is still covered when the next credit booking happens. I also stopped the SEPA direct debit mandate and changed the direct debiting service to remittance.
Kind regards,
Dear @o2_Andrea
This time I’m not late; I get the Email today; more fast than this I can not be; so please not say I’m slow. Even you put 8 euros or 4 ; not change and never stop; I give up of contact with O2 anymore for a solution.
Is really sad you still have my information and my email in your database even if I already stop be member of you since February and I not live anymore in Germany ( I dont know if that is legal, but is really scary) and I already contact in many ways for you stop send me Emails. I’m tired this stress of contact with you for solution if make me dissapointed and regret the moment I make a contract with O2 Telefonica Deutschland.
Looks I will never be free of your emails and contacts; so from now I will just ignore and not spent any second more in contact with O2 Telefonica Deutschland ( I really try my best to solve it in a good way; but is enought; if the system want to still take more money ) , because just make me sick how much not respect I had as a costumer. This is the image I have from this company and the information I will share to everyone when they ask me in person or internet about the company O2 Telefonica Deutschland. I hope this information help to another people who are thinking in make a contract with O2 Telefonica Deutschland.
This time I’m not late; I get the Email today; more fast than this I can not be; so please not say I’m slow. Even you put 8 euros or 4 ; not change and never stop; I give up of contact with O2 anymore for a solution.
Is really sad you still have my information and my email in your database even if I already stop be member of you since February and I not live anymore in Germany ( I dont know if that is legal, but is really scary) and I already contact in many ways for you stop send me Emails. I’m tired this stress of contact with you for solution if make me dissapointed and regret the moment I make a contract with O2 Telefonica Deutschland.
Looks I will never be free of your emails and contacts; so from now I will just ignore and not spent any second more in contact with O2 Telefonica Deutschland ( I really try my best to solve it in a good way; but is enought; if the system want to still take more money ) , because just make me sick how much not respect I had as a costumer. This is the image I have from this company and the information I will share to everyone when they ask me in person or internet about the company O2 Telefonica Deutschland. I hope this information help to another people who are thinking in make a contract with O2 Telefonica Deutschland.
Hi @Luis1986Dusseledorf_2
I can assure you wont get another invoice.
There is no money missing, my colleagues installed a refund on your customer account number, so everything is fine now.
Best Matze
I can assure you wont get another invoice.
There is no money missing, my colleagues installed a refund on your customer account number, so everything is fine now.
Best Matze
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