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Warum O2

Hi. I ordered a contract along with the phone Iphone 13 pro max on 16.05.2022. I received an email that required me to pay 1 euro for the phone. I paid it. O2 did not send me any further email with the confirmation. In several days I received this 1 euro back to my bank account refunded by o2 without giving any reason and expalanation. So I went to the O2 shop to find out what happened. As per their expalanation,they sent the email to O2 with the request to cancel my first order. In three days I came to the O2 shop again and they informed me that my order was cancelled and we could place a new one. However, O2 refused it and sent me the following email:

<<<Lieber o2 Kunde,

vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an unserem My Handy-Angebot.

Leider müssen wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass wir Ihrer Bestellung nicht entsprechen können.

Falls Sie zusammen mit der My Handy-Bestellung noch einen Mobilfunk-Tarif bestellt haben, so wird diese Bestellung separat bearbeitet und geprüft. Die entsprechenden Infos hierzu erhalten Sie gesondert per E-Mail.

So O2 staff was confused and they did not know the reason or anything why this happened. Within the next days I went to their shop a couple of times to submit a new order but again I was constantly getting the same refusal message. For information: I am already O2 customer and want to take my prepaid number to the contract. If I need to provide further details, let me know. Thank you.


Best regards,

If you want mor information you have to contact the Kundenbetreuung by a latter.

Will not get any Information from the O2 Online Team.

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG Kundenbetreuung
90345 Nürnberg


Hi @toros_sam ,
welcome to our community :)
I'm glad you decided to join our offer. As written by schluej, please contact our colleagues in the department so that the contract situation can be reviewed and possibly approved.
Please keep us informed when you get a feedback from our colleagues.
What tariff did you decide on?
Best regards

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