Hi. I ordered a contract along with the phone Iphone 13 pro max on 16.05.2022. I received an email that required me to pay 1 euro for the phone. I paid it. O2 did not send me any further email with the confirmation. In several days I received this 1 euro back to my bank account refunded by o2 without giving any reason and expalanation. So I went to the O2 shop to find out what happened. As per their expalanation,they sent the email to O2 with the request to cancel my first order. In three days I came to the O2 shop again and they informed me that my order was cancelled and we could place a new one. However, O2 refused it and sent me the following email:
<<<Lieber o2 Kunde,
vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an unserem My Handy-Angebot.
Leider müssen wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass wir Ihrer Bestellung nicht entsprechen können.
Falls Sie zusammen mit der My Handy-Bestellung noch einen Mobilfunk-Tarif bestellt haben, so wird diese Bestellung separat bearbeitet und geprüft. Die entsprechenden Infos hierzu erhalten Sie gesondert per E-Mail.>>>
So O2 staff was confused and they did not know the reason or anything why this happened. Within the next days I went to their shop a couple of times to submit a new order but again I was constantly getting the same refusal message. For information: I am already O2 customer and want to take my prepaid number to the contract. If I need to provide further details, let me know. Thank you.
Best regards,