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received order confirmation but no contract details or anything

Hello o2 team,

i have ordered an iphone pro max on 13th at 14:00 and received order confirmation from o2 at 16:00. Along with that confirmation, I received few pdfs but there was no contract details or number mentioned. I am hoping you could check into my request if possible? I need my contract number in order to register on o2 so i can keep my contract and phone delivery in check. 
p.s i have Auftragsnummer number as well but it says no data found(a member from other community told me to wait for few days because it takes time) 

if anyone from O2 is willing to take a look then please reach me out in inbox as this account is not attached to my order

Hello @f.r.i.e.n.d.s,

if you have ordered the new iPhone 16, it was a pre-order. I am sure that your will receive further information soon and also be able to see your order on

We can only access the customer data you used to register here. Otherwise, you may have to create another community account linked to your contract.

Best regards



thank you for your response.

That is the problem. I have both contract numbers and order numbers but u cannot create a new account with those contract numbers because it says ‘ contract number is not valid’. 

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