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Warum O2

I’ve been with o2 for over 5 years now. I am currently on a contract that is month to month, and can be cancelled at any time. I’d like to purchase a new phone/ tariff. However, i’ve noticed that in my offers (angebote) i have different prices and offers than if I go to contract extension offers (Tarifwechsel & -verlängerung). Can someone explain why this is and what the better choice is to use in order to get a new phone/ contract at the best deal? 


Die “Angebote” in deinem “mein o2”-Account sind Angebote für zusätzliche Verträge (Partnerkarte); Angebote zur Verlängerung eines bestehenden Vertrages sind, grad in Verbindung mit Hardware, eben nicht so gut.

Edit: 22.11.,15.50 Uhr o2_Micha. kurze Übersetzung: 

The "offers" in your "my o2" account are offers for additional contracts (partner card); offers to extend an existing contract are not so good, especially in connection with hardware.


Hello @jweidner11  thanks for your request.
Sächsin was able to post an answer. Does this answer solved your request or do you still need any further request?

kindly regards

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