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Warum O2

Hello everyone, 

I've had the o2 Homespot (my Home M) for a while now, normally it all worked well, I would say...

For about 2 weeks now I can't even watch a  live stream or watch a YouTube video in high quality without it hanging. The speed test gives me a measly 0.8

 Mbit and there is no known maintenance/malfunction in my area either... I haven't I checked almost every day now.

And in my area there is full reception, which surprises me that it suddenly doesn't work like before, the problem is during the day and at night.


Edit by o2_Katja: Moved to our english community



Have you checked if there is a problem in your area?



Are you using the original Homespot or a different router?


My address: Hauptstr 24b, 29565 Wriedel

Yes I am using original Homespot



And I have also checked there is no any problem on my area



Tomorrow (January 31st) maintenance work or other work will be carried out on the BTS. It may be that there are already restrictions.

I am still facing problem with my internet speed. Today I couldn’t work from home because of internet speed. How I can solve this internet issue. I have checked internet connection on my area. It seems OK, but by me still bad speed.


This test was done by 17:27 pm 


17:46pm Upload speed higher than download speed… 

On February 4th, work on the BTS will take place again. Look at your screenshot.


If the upload speed is higher than the download speed, it mostly indicates an overload of the BTS.


I saw work on the BTS, but should I wait till 4th February, last time was 31th January, but still same issue. 

Unfortunately, you have to wait until the work is completed. You never know if the work will take longer, have had to be interrupted and resumed, have been postponed, or require multiple steps.

Hello @udurdyyev,

I'm sorry that there are problems with the mobile network at your address. Until February 7th, 2021 we will be working on a cell station near you and this unfortunately impairs also the other stations around it.

I am sorry that I have to ask for a little more patience in this case.

Best regards


Dear @o2_Giulia @tearsbeforecrying ,

Since yesterday  22:00 15.02.22 I have unstable internet connection. It works for a 10-15 minutes and then cuts the connection for 5-6 mins and then internet comes again. My phone number also O2 and on mobile phone I am facing also same issue. Could you solve this unstable internet connection. As a developer I can’t work and attend to the meetings.


I lost the connection while testing the speed.



Dear @udurdyyev ,

have you already taken a look at the Live-Check to see what your current network availability is like? There you can also report a fault yourself if there is not yet one and it should be necessary.

Kind regards,


Since a week I have unstable or low speed internet connection. I am really tired to write here because you always asking me live check. Yes I am also controlling live check, and shows everything is OK because it updates every 30 min, but I am facing btw this 30 min. Please take my complains seriously and provide a solution.


This test was done 22:40 02.03.22

Hello @udurdyyev,

you can report a network problem in the Live Check if everything looks fine at your address and you have had different experiences. Simply click on the feedback button and fill out the online form.

Our technical support will then check the problem and inform you via text message.

Best regards


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