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Warum O2

Hi! A few months ago i have bought an 500mb/s mobilinternet-tariffe, but it does not matter which city i go to, i can not get more than 10-15mb/s. The Live-check shows that everything shoud be fine but it is still slow.It’s anoying because it’s been months and I still can not use at least 10% of the speed. Most of the time it is download only with 5mb/s and I think its not normal for the price that I pay….


With regards!!!!!!


First it is up to.

And what kind of device are u using?

I use an Iphone 8 but I have already tried with my boyfriend’s iphone 12 mini and had the same problem. We live in a small village, but the problem is the same even in big citys like Stuttgart or Nürnberg.

Hello @SAndrea ,

to fully utilize your contract you’d have to be in reach of a 5G station and also use a device that is 5G capable which is not the case with the iPhone 8 atleast. As @schluej says the figure of 500 mbps is up to 500 mbps, mobile connections are succeptible to a lot more influences then landline connections. Connection speed depends on the amount of users that you are sharing the cell with you as well as the frequencies that are avaiable there. If your connection is stable there is not a lot we can do to help you, a general good idea if you are having a problem with your connection is to check your current address in the LiveCheck for any potentially known issues there, or to report one.


Kind regards, Sven

Hello @SAndrea ,

to fully utilize your contract you’d have to be in reach of a 5G station and also use a device that is 5G capable which is not the case with the iPhone 8 atleast. As @schluej says the figure of 500 mbps is up to 500 mbps, mobile connections are succeptible to a lot more influences then landline connections. Connection speed depends on the amount of users that you are sharing the cell with you as well as the frequencies that are avaiable there. If your connection is stable there is not a lot we can do to help you, a general good idea if you are having a problem with your connection is to check your current address in the LiveCheck for any potentially known issues there, or to report one.


Kind regards, Sven

Ist ihnen Bewusst, dass Sie gerade diesen Kunden gerade einen vom Pferd erzählen ?!


@AliMente ist dir bewusst, dass du gerade auf eine über 18 Monate alte Antwort einen Oxer machst?

Zudem sollte es klar sein, dass es einen Unterschied gibt, zwischen theoretischer Datenrate, und der Datenrate die in der Praxis erreicht werden kann.


Daher fände ich es gut, sachlich darüber zu diskutieren, und am besten auch mit freundlicher Ausdrucksweise.

Hey @AliMente,

willkommen in der o2 Community :) 

Am Besten immer auf’s Datum der letzten Antwort schauen. Sachverhalte ändern sich. Ansonsten schließ ich mich Tom_ hier an. Der Ton macht die Musik ;)

Viele Grüße,

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