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o2 myHome L offers two different speeds between moving and new contarct signing

Dear Community,

I am currently using o2 myHome L upto 100 Mbit.

In a few months I am planning to move. When I check for my new address from My o2 Client Portal, I see that the moving is possible with the same package “o2 myHome L upto 100 Mbit.”


However, if I go with purchasing a new contract for the same address, it shows o2 myHome L upto 250 Mbit.


Therefore I am confused. If I use the option to move will my speed be 250 Mbit although it shows 100 Mbit on the “Move Your Contract” page? Or does “o2 myHome L” has two different speeds? If so, how can I move with the higher speed. Do I have to cancel my current contract and go into a new one?


Thank you for your answers!


Lösung von blablup

canerik schrieb:

Or does “o2 myHome L” has two different speeds?

Yes, see product information sheets:

ab 05.10.2022 (250 Mbit/s, 39.99 EUR)

ab 03.11.2020 (100 Mbit/s, 34.99 EUR)

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4 Antworten

  • Lehrling
  • 10847 Antworten
  • Lösung
  • 5. Februar 2023
canerik schrieb:

Or does “o2 myHome L” has two different speeds?

Yes, see product information sheets:

ab 05.10.2022 (250 Mbit/s, 39.99 EUR)

ab 03.11.2020 (100 Mbit/s, 34.99 EUR)

  • Autor
  • Neuling
  • 10 Antworten
  • 6. Februar 2023

Thank you for your answer @blablup should I assume the new speed will be upto 250 Mbit if I move my current contract or should I cancel it and apply for a new one?


As I said if I click on “move my contract” it still shows 100 Mbit for the same price and the same name “o2 myHome L” but if I click on “sign a new contract” it shows me “o2 myHome L” but 250 Mbit.


That’s where the confusion comes from for me.


Thank you for your contributions!

  • Moderator
  • 15517 Antworten
  • 6. Februar 2023

Hello @canerik ,

as long as you don’t actively change your contract, you would keep the conditions of your currently used my Home L (2020) including price and speed. That’s why you are keeping the 100 Mbit/s when you move it to a different address. While looking at a new contract for your new address gives you the conditions of the my Home L (2022).

You also do not need to cancel your old contract and sign a new one, you can also change your current contract to the new 2022 version of the my Home L if that is what you want.


Kind regards, Sven

  • Autor
  • Neuling
  • 10 Antworten
  • 6. Februar 2023

Thank you @o2_Sven I should change it now to the new terms, and then move it as it seems. Thanks for your help!

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