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Warum O2

I ordered DSL connection to my flat but a month later got a letter that it is not possible. The readon was that I can have only 100mbs with DSL connection in my flat. When I look at the website, it says I can have stronger connection with cable. The problem is I dont want to reorder it and wait another month, is there any way someone can find out how long would it take and maybe switch this for me? Contract is not activated, cause DSL wont work there so I wanted to see how long will it take to do cable instead. 

Unfortunetly calling english costumer service dod not help, he said I need to speak in German with German team for that- I am lost can somone still help me? I cant speak German well… connection was supossed to be done tomorrow maybe there is a chance to switch to cable having this order still???


please help :(

Hello @Agaraspberry ,

that is of course unfortunate that the DSL line that you wanted isn’t avaiable a your current address. A change over to cable can be done, but will also include a certain amount of time. From what I’ve seen you’ve now also ordered an LTE based contract. Is a cable based solution still in the cards for you or do you first want to test the LTE connection and if that is to your satisfaction then no further contract is needed?


Kind regards, Sven

Thanks for the answer. I am currently testing LTE, so far I was wondering how to strenghten the signal? Its only two bars on the router at all times

Hello @Agaraspberry ,

at your address you are mainly getting a connection from a station to the southeast, so if you have the chance to place the router at a window towards that direction this might already improve the connection. Aside from that the other issue that I can see is that currently another station in close proximity has been experiencing issues, as such the load on the station that you are using is higher than normal.


Kind regards, Sven

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