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Home XXL cable internet contract extension

  • Neuling
  • 3 Antworten

Hi all, 

I currently have Home XXL cable contact and 2 years are coming to an end. I do understand that the contract does not expire and simply rolls further with 1 month cancellation notice, however I am unsure about the pricing - currently the sum for the Internet and router is 84,99 but there are bonuses applied: 40 EUR Technologierabatt and 10 EUR Kombi-Vorteil which bring the price to 34,99 EUR/month. I just want to confirm that once the 2 years period expires, then I would be paying the same - but there are no dates next to the rabatts on the contract, neither in the app. Could someone please confirm that I will keep the ‘’old’’ pricing and no bonuses will disappear due to 2 years passing?

Lösung von blablup

The Technologierabatt is granted permanently and the Kombi-Vorteil is granted for as long as the Kombi-Vorteil provider tariff exists. 

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2 Antworten

  • Lehrling
  • 10767 Antworten
  • Lösung
  • 28. August 2024

The Technologierabatt is granted permanently and the Kombi-Vorteil is granted for as long as the Kombi-Vorteil provider tariff exists. 

  • Moderator
  • 15517 Antworten
  • 30. August 2024

Hello @pd94 ,

as blablup wrote, the price will remain the same as the Techologierabatt doesn’t expire and the Kombivorteil will be part of the contract as long as you have another contract to go along with your o2 Home XXL and provide the discount.


Kind regards, Sven