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Warum O2 Service

Fiber optic connection does not work, despite new router

One month ago i order internet for my new house from o2 in butzbach city. And modem comes and didn't work i say to the person that work in 02 that internet is not working he come to my house and he couldn't fix it also and after he order a new modem and same problem with the new one and dosent work and i wanted to cancel and i did call

him he saying i most pay for first two month and then i can cancel the contract i dont understand why should i most pay for something that is not working?why 02 always try to abuse people

Lösung von o2_Giulia

Hello @08nicko,

we have an English speaking hotline, also for technical issues. You can reach them on 089 66 66 30 08 1 (Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 8 pm, Sat. 10 am - 6 pm, on workdays).

If the new router doesn’t work as well, it is definitely neccessary that a technician is sent to your house. Our technical support will then arrange for an appointment with you.

After the problem has been resolved, you can claim compensation for the downtime period if it is due to an error caused by our fault: Antrag auf Entschädigung

Best regards


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21 Antworten

Joe Doe
  • Star
  • 12351 Antworten
  • 29. August 2024

@08nicko What Technology? Cable, DSL or Fiber?

  • Autor
  • Lehrling
  • 20 Antworten
  • 29. August 2024

Fiber.  Glasfaser

  • Autor
  • Lehrling
  • 20 Antworten
  • 31. August 2024


  • Moderator
  • 15517 Antworten
  • 2. September 2024

Hello @08nicko ,

that sounds rather weird, so you’ve had contact with our technical department since the connection hasn’t been working from the beginning and now you’ve had a technician at your place and they checked and replaced the hardware and told you that you can’t cancel the contract immediately and instead that you’d have to pay first? Have I understood that correctly?


Kind regards, Sven

  • Autor
  • Lehrling
  • 20 Antworten
  • 2. September 2024

No. I had not contact with technical department. I had only contact with the person that work in o2 shop in butzbach. I take internet for my house in that shop as I don’t speak german i can’t call the technical or o2 on phone. So he order the router for me and i received and it didn’t work so i call him and he come to my house with someone else from telekom and seems they are cousins and in my house they call in o2 technical or o2 and talk in german. And he said i most wait for another router this one they have send is broke and the next router when is come it dosent work again and i call him and i wanted to cancel because i can’t wait for all my life only for internet and he saying that i most pay couple months first and then cancel. Why should i pay for something that is not work? And he said to his cousin from telekom to make me a internet from there. What is this company? Is this company belongs to mafia or something?i don’t want any internet from o2 and i will not pay for it. I can see this person that work in o2 company in butzbach he trying to abuse me and now i try to call him and send him text and he don’t awnser.  If this will be go like this i will give this to my lawyer 

  • Moderatorin
  • 19572 Antworten
  • Lösung
  • 2. September 2024

Hello @08nicko,

we have an English speaking hotline, also for technical issues. You can reach them on 089 66 66 30 08 1 (Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 8 pm, Sat. 10 am - 6 pm, on workdays).

If the new router doesn’t work as well, it is definitely neccessary that a technician is sent to your house. Our technical support will then arrange for an appointment with you.

After the problem has been resolved, you can claim compensation for the downtime period if it is due to an error caused by our fault: Antrag auf Entschädigung

Best regards


  • Autor
  • Lehrling
  • 20 Antworten
  • 12. September 2024

No my point is after many time he come to my house and try and after a long time without wifi. I don’t want this wifi from o2 anymore is been almost 2 month i already have wifi now from telekom. I want to cancel this o2 wifi and have my money back please this person that work in o2 shop in butzbach city he saying that i most pay couple months and then i can cancel but i can see he try to abuse me again. I have wifi now with another company and i dont want o2 wifi anymore and i want my 110 euro back. Technical service came also two days ago and i tell them i don’t want i already have wifi. Please fix this im getting out of my patience from this guy in o2 shop with this company always problem 

  • Team
  • 5032 Antworten
  • 13. September 2024

Hello @08nicko
I can't tell you to what extent a special termination is possible, this will be checked when you submit your special termination. 

Contact options:
o2 service in English: 089 66 66 30 08 1
Kind regards, Maren 🍄

  • Autor
  • Lehrling
  • 20 Antworten
  • 8. Februar 2025

Is been couple months from that problem i have no one fix my problem and i have pay very much money for something i don’t use and now they want to take more money. To the people that they want start with o2 please don’t this is the worse company i ever see in my life. I want to cancel all my contracts fast fast fast.

  • 15382 Antworten
  • 8. Februar 2025

What kind of Router do you try to use the the Fibre modem?

  • Autor
  • Lehrling
  • 20 Antworten
  • 8. Februar 2025

I don’t use any router i have cancel that because that person in o2 shop in butzbach city he have order worng so we cancel but im payin still 

  • Autor
  • Lehrling
  • 20 Antworten
  • 8. Februar 2025

And is it normal that people from o2 shop come to your house and take cash from u only for fixing the wifi and he didn’t also. Listen im tired of this company i really don’t want anymore this and i want to cancel all my contracts i make a mistake to join this o2 because i didn’t know. So please cancel all that i dont need to pay anymore for something that i don’t have

  • 15382 Antworten
  • 8. Februar 2025

@08nicko for contracts in Germany oder EU read

Normally installation of the router is your business. If you ask the shop for help, than you have to pay the shop.

WiFi is a wireless connection between the Router (AP) and the client. That has nothing do to with your internet connection! WiFi is a customer problem. The internet connection ist a think for O2.

With no router your are unable to get a connection. A inexpensive one is a used FRITZ!Box 7520  from eBay (about 60€). Or you could rent on from O2 (not the cheapest way).

At the moment i would think you made some wrong decisions.

So you made a 2nd contract with Telekom?

  • Autor
  • Lehrling
  • 20 Antworten
  • 8. Februar 2025

No sir i didn’t all this things. Ok i will explain. I go to o2 i said wanna wifi to my new house they have order one to me but they have order a wrong model and i call him first he send his cousin and he couldn’t fix and i say this issss aaa wrooong model. And after he come to my house and he couldn’t fix a also and he take cash from me for what i don’t know. I just want wifi in my new house and he send his other cousin from telekom he told me do the new wifi there and i will cancel from o2 and i do from telekom because he say like that and i do the telekom and is works fine. But after im paying extra to o2 for what? I just want WiFi in my house and i can feel this person from o2 hes abusing they come bills from o2 150€200€ now is come 50€ again 


  • 15382 Antworten
  • 8. Februar 2025

To ask the shop for help, has nothing to do with O2. The (most) shop are just selling points for O2.

So if you ask the shop for help, than you have to pay the shop.

Again for WiFi you don’t need a contract! WiFi is a free frequency range.

So you would like to have a internet connection for your home!

If you sign the contract for you internet connection in a shop than there is no way to withdraw.

Please read the link

If you cancel than it mean at the end of 24 month. And if the shop will not offer to cancel the contract, the must not do that, the you have to serve the contract.

Than you made a 2nd contract with the Telekom, that is your 2nd contract.

  • Autor
  • Lehrling
  • 20 Antworten
  • 8. Februar 2025

Look it’s like we don’t understand each other. I will say it again I didn’t ask for any help. I only want Wi-Fi in my new house, but he ordered a wrong router and he come by himself to my house to fix the problem but he couldn’t and he ordered another router And after he sent his cousin to here and he said I must pay his cousin for the time he use on this. His cousin also couldn’t fix the problem and he send his other cousin from telekom and told me to make a WiFi here and he will cancel the o2 and i don’t need to pay for o2 i said ok if im not gonna pay is ok. And they fix the telekom and is working fine. But after he call me and saying that i most pay for both why should pay for both? I only want a wifi from one place. Anyways is like nobody gonna fix it so i will not pay any1€ more and i will give it to my lawyer

  • 15382 Antworten
  • 8. Februar 2025

I understand you…

First you had a problem to get your Internet connection from O2 to work.

You didn’t call the O2 Hotline to help you to solve the problem.

You went to the shop where you sign the O2 contract. They ordered “the wrong” router, if you rent the router with a contract from O2 than you get the router that fits to the connection….

The first cousin want money from you because you commissioned him.

Than another cousin from the shop owner came and let you sign another contract from the Telekom.

And “he” cancel the contract with O2.

You can’t cancel a contract made in a shop, bevor the runtime ends! Read the link above. So you cancel the O2 contract after the 24 Month runtime. And you made 2nd contract with Telekom.

So you have know 2 internet contracts, congrats.


  • Autor
  • Lehrling
  • 20 Antworten
  • 8. Februar 2025

Yes i didn’t call the o2 for help beacuse he told me to not to do and he will call by himself and i say ok do beacuse he’s working in o2 shope isn’t? And after he didn’t say anything about 24months he said he will cancel it go make a new contract in my cousin shop telekom and he ask me to give the router back. What’s else should i do? Anything he say to me to do i do and now everything gets upside down? I don’t even have o2 wifi anymore if i knew i most pay that for 24 months and i can’t cancel i would say to him i will not make a new contract with telekom 

  • 15382 Antworten
  • 9. Februar 2025


the O2 shop is a Franchise or is just working for provision.

You should ask the cousin’s for help, if they tells you that they can cancel your 24 Month contract.

Your didn’t info O2 directly about you problems, so O2 was / is not able to solve the problem.


  • Autor
  • Lehrling
  • 20 Antworten
  • 9. Februar 2025


I don’t know even the cousins and i don’t care he just call me and he saying he send his cousin. The reason that i didn’t call because he told me to not do and he come to my house and from my phone call to the o2 and saying he is me. This is abusing. I don’t care about money only is make me angry that someone try to abuse me. He have the router back with him he said he will cancel and now i most pay 24 months for something i don’t have and something i don’t use? No sire thats not gonna work like that if all of us going to Court im ok with that

  • Moderatorin
  • 19572 Antworten
  • 17. Februar 2025

Hello ​@08nicko,

it is of course very annoying if you have not had such a good experience with the shop employees and the helpers they send. What happened here does not reflect well on our service and I am sorry that you got this impression.

Our o2 shops are normally not responsible for technical nternet problems and should have refered you to our telephone technical service in the event of an outage. Only these employees have the option of sending an experienced technician to fix a disruption or a defective router. It is very unusual that the shop sent its own employees to your home.

Unfortunately, we cannot resolve your case here via the community. However, we would be happy to help you find the right contact way for your issue.

I have already given you our contact details for our technical support. As far as I understand, you don't want to solve the technical problems with the router anymore, right?

You can of course also submit an extraordinary termination. The best way to do this is to use our online termination form.

Please note that a detailed reason is required for an extraordinary termination. You should therefore describe the incident in detail and also mention that you have already chosen another provider. Unfortunately, we cannot influence whether it is granted in this specific case.

Best regards


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