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Hello O2, when I purchased my prepaid contract at the o2 Shop I was given a value which I would have to pay each month. I see that this month, my bill is 30euros more expensive than that value. I have checked the bill and see that my student discount was removed. I don't understand why this has happened if I am a student until March 2021. I have my student ID with validation for this new semester. I will not be paying this additional value as I uploaded my student proof when I was told to do so. I would like to be contacted by someone who can help me with this correction as I don't speak german.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Hello O2, when I purchase my services at the o2 Shop I was given a value that which I would have to pay. I see that this month, my bill is 30euros more expensive than that value. I have checked the bill and see that my student discount was removed. I don’t understand why this has happened if I am a student until March 2021. I have my student ID with validation for this new semester. I will not be paying this additional value and need to be contacted by someone who can help me with this correction as I don’t speak german and it is very difficult to get in contact with customer support in english.

Hello @Lina_pm and welcome to our o2 community :-)

If the bill keeps getting larger it is always good to have a look into this.

As far as I can see your student discount is still active. According to your bill there were two additional discounts that ran for six months. Since six months are over now the discount was deactivated. If you have a look in the older bills you will see that there was an ending date for these discounts.

Additionally there were several calls that are not covered by a flatrate and are also billed.

I hope I was able to shed some light into this.



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