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Cable internet is not working

  • Neuling
  • 2 Antworten



I ordered Kabel internet (O2 Home XL 500) and i’ve bought router fritzbox from O2. I plugged all cables as it was written and went through activation process (activation day 30.08.24). However, Internet is not working, despite router is active and wifi connection is possible, there is no internet. Now on MyO2 it’s written that my <Vertrag ist aktiv>, but I sill don’t have internet.


Could you help me bitte? 

Edit o2_Kathi 02.09.24 Title adapted for a better overview

Lösung von o2_Giulia

Hello @IMP2,

please call our English hotline tomorrow, they will probably open a ticket for a techician for you. You can reach them on 089 66 66 30 08 1 (Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 8 pm, Sat. 10 am - 6 pm, on workdays)

The router is maybe sold by the shop personal, it can definitely not be a router from us. 50 EUR would be quite cheap for this router, maybe you have the possibility to test it with another router.

Alternatively you can always order a router on a rental basis from us (Fritzbox 6660 or 6690).

Best regards


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6 Antworten

  • 15382 Antworten
  • 1. September 2024

Moin Moin,

first you rent only a FRITZ!Box from O2!!

What is the Power/Kabel LED are doing?

Could you open the configuration page of the router and upload this page (please cover your CM-MAC).


  • Autor
  • Neuling
  • 2 Antworten
  • 1. September 2024

Here is the requested infromation. The power LED is constantly blinking.

  • 15382 Antworten
  • 1. September 2024

The wall plug has 3 connectors 1 for TV, 1 for Radio and a screw terminal for Data?

Call the hotline Monday and tell them that the FRITZ!Box is not able to find downstream frequency’s.

  • Moderator
  • 15517 Antworten
  • 2. September 2024

Hello @IMP2 ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

I’m pretty sure that you neither rented nor bought the router from us as the FritzBox 6670 isn’t a model that’s part of our portfolio. Have you already registered the units MAC-Address with us?


Kind regards, Sven

  • Autor
  • Neuling
  • 2 Antworten
  • 2. September 2024



I’ve already registered the MAC-adress,

Moreover, I have no idea if I borrow or bought a router (the person on official o2 shop was convincing that paying 50 euro once gives you the router forever), but I am completely sure I got it from O2, because I was at the O2 shop and had specially arranged meeting day to sign the contract and “buy” (borrow?) a Fritz!Box6670.


Best regards,


  • Moderatorin
  • 19573 Antworten
  • Lösung
  • 2. September 2024

Hello @IMP2,

please call our English hotline tomorrow, they will probably open a ticket for a techician for you. You can reach them on 089 66 66 30 08 1 (Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 8 pm, Sat. 10 am - 6 pm, on workdays)

The router is maybe sold by the shop personal, it can definitely not be a router from us. 50 EUR would be quite cheap for this router, maybe you have the possibility to test it with another router.

Alternatively you can always order a router on a rental basis from us (Fritzbox 6660 or 6690).

Best regards
