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Why overcharge for 3G Data ?

Myp roblem about 3G data overchage. 


22/05/201218:30 to 23:33   05:02:00€ -27.18

My phone number xxxxxxx

In that time I not use 3G data. But system charge me -27.11 euro from my main account.

I use iPhone4S, I understand in English only.

 What is  happen?

23.04.12 I try apply Internet pack M but system say error. show in picture.

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(Stand null Uhr) DatumBemerkungBetrag23.05.2012Voucher15,00 €23.04.2012Gutschrift wegen fehlgeschlagener Pack-to-Go Aufladung15,00 €23.04.2012Internet-Pack-M-to-go mit Smartphone-Option Rückbuchung1.500,00 €

 //Rufnummer entfernt

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1 Antwort

Although you havent used the internet, you iPhone did.

Every smartphone uses the internet automatically to check for updates eg.


And if you dont have an internet-flat, you have to pay per call.

Try to disable the internet on you iphone or try to apply the internet pack m again.