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Warum O2 Service

Information about canceling the Basic Blue Contract

Hello O2 team

I am student in Germany but due to exmatriculation from my Universty I have to Leave Germany, so what is the procedure to cancel my 02 Basic Blue Contract. I have contract since 27-7-2013 and its a two year contact.


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5 Antworten

  • 0 Antworten
  • 23. April 2014


in principle, it's possible to cancel such a contract, if you go (back) abroad, even if there doesn't
exist an explicit legal right to do so.

In order to cancel, the best way is to write a letter to o2 and tell them about the
circumstances that brings you to cancel. As evidence, you should additionally put an official
document into the letter so as to prove the circumstances. A copy might be acceptable.


Send the letter to the following address:


Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG


90345 Nürnberg







  • Team
  • 399 Antworten
  • 23. April 2014
Dear Engineer1232,


too bad you are going to leave us :frowning .


Please note that I did send you a direct message (private Nachricht) regarding your topic.

However, if you have any further questions concerning this topic do not hesitate to post it here.


Best wishes





  • Autor
  • Neuling
  • 2 Antworten
  • 25. Mai 2014

I have enquired about the early termaination of my o2 contract. And I have received an email having a form to full and send it to the adress Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG 

In the from it is written that I have to pay  all-inclusive basic fee for 3 months. How much is that. How much is this amount. My pakagae is Blue Basic.




Edit: Beitrag in bestehendes Topic geschoben

  • Autor
  • Neuling
  • 2 Antworten
  • 25. Mai 2014

I have enquired about the early termaination of my o2 contract. And I have received an email having a form to full and send it to the adress Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG 

In the from it is written that I have to pay  all-inclusive basic fee for 3 months. How much is that. How much is this amount. My pakagae is Blue Basic.



  • Team
  • 399 Antworten
  • 25. Mai 2014
Hello Engineer1232,


as your package is our o2 Blue Basic, the basic fee per month is 9,99 EUR. So having to pay 3 months sums up to: 9,99 x 3 = 29,97 EUR. All in all, we are talking about roughly 30,00 EUR here.



Best regards
