Warum O2


Hello o2 Team,

I have forgot to cancel my o2 contract and now as I understand from my o2 portal the contract has been extended for another 12 months and the discounts would not be applicable. I would then have to pay the original tariff price. I really like my current o2 tariff and would like to continue this for another 12/24 months. Please let me know the possibility of extending (or cancelling) my current tariff. 



Secondly, would it be possible that I cancel my current contract and enter into a new contract (including mobile) with o2 for Samsung S10. Please let me know what options i have.



2 Antworten

Can anyone help me with my question?


Hello there!


Thanks for contacting us :relaxed:

Regarding the possible extension of your contract:

Please contact our @o2_VVL -User via personal message - we´ll then look into the possible combinations and send you the offer(s) via pn, as well.


Regarding your 2nd question: A cancellation of your “old” contract in favour of a new one is not possible, I´m afraid.


Viele Grüße,


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