Warum O2

Please help. How to check balance?

  • 4 January 2011
  • 2 Antworten
  • 7079 Aufrufe

Guys, I've bought Prepaid sim-card and "Internet Pack M to GO" with 1GB included.

How can I check balance of used/remain Megabytes? Searched through o2.de site but with no luck (I don't know German :frowning

I'm driving across Germany and Internet is required all the time, but without balance I have a chance to use the whole gigabyte early.


Please kindly help




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2 Antworten

There's nothing to check the balance, you can only have an eye on it. But o2 should send you a warning message once you reach 80% of the traffic.


But you don't really have to worry. After you use the 1GB all that happens is that your internet speed will drop (a lot - from 7,2 Mbit/s (max.) to 64 kbit/s), but you will still be able to surf the web.

Thanks a lot, bbu

