Warum O2

Where to see how much MB/GB of internet left in "Mein o2"?

  • 14 April 2017
  • 1 Antwort
  • 10665 Aufrufe

Hello to everyone!

I have tried for the first time the "Mein o2" application.

Mein o2 - Android Apps on Google Play 
As you can see from the pictures in the link, it's supposed to give the information about how much internet I have left (verbraucht). Unfortunately, I can't find such thing in the application, which made me feel stupid. Please, help me finding a way to check how much data I have left. It can be via app or PC.

Also I noticed that in tarif info it shows that I have a "o2 Loop Smart" tarif, which is correct, but it shows that it includes 200MB/month which is an old info, because it actually is 750 MB since last year. Not that it buzzes me, but it wouldn't hurt O2 team to "comb" the app a bit for a more actual data.

Thanks in advance for your replies and assistance!

1 Antwort

Benutzerebene 7
Hello .Qwer7891,

what exactly can you see in your mobile app?

When I start the application the first thing I see is the data volume, which I have used and which I have left.

Can you see nothing of it?

Or just the wrong number of data volume?

I didn't get it exactly what applies for you!

Kind regards,


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