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Warum O2

I was a student in Germany from 2020 to Sept 2021.

While I was in Germany,  I bought one O2 line and continued to use it till I left. I stopped using the line since 2021. 

Unfortunately,  O2 kept sending me bills upon bills despite non usage of the line. I went to O2 office in UK to ask for help, they simply told me they are 2 separate entities and hence cannot help. I was forced to but another O2 line in  UK.  

Please can O2 Alexandepltaz, Berlin  Germany stop sending direct debit to my account? I am not owing them ooo. 

Every means to reach out to the customer service has proven abortive. Hence, I decided to come to the Community for help. This is unfair to be debiting my account even when they knew I was not using the line again. 

Please help me.


Thank you.
Edit o2_Bianca 21.11.23 08:45Uhr: Moved from Mobilfunk Rechnung to English o2 Community mobile


Hi @Bukola , it may be that you are still in the contract, you have to cancel it, but you are usually bound to it for 24 months. The best thing to do is to stay on this page I linked.

When can I terminate my contract?



To terminate a contract early, besides communicating this to o2 (not the shop in Berlin!) it is necessary to send a copy of your deregistration document and proof that you are now living abroad. Until you do that it is logical that you will still receive bills.

You were not forced to take out a new contract in the UK, as you could just continue using your German contract there. If you want a UK telephone nubner then yes, you need a UK contract with a UK provider.

I remember going to O2 Alexander Alexanderplatz to inform them that I am a Nigerian and I am travelling back home.  No one said anything to me. 

When I went to UK, I immediately located an O2 office for assistance,  no one helped. They were more interested in selling a new line to me ( I ended up buying 5 new O2 lines! ).

There was no way to communicate my predicament to O2 until someone told me to come to O2 CommunityOnline.

Please can they stop the unending billing because I STOPPED USING THAT LINE SINCE 2021. Their action has thrown my account into debits several times. This cannot continue. Please help me.


Thank you.




o2 UK has nothing on common with o2 Germany apart from the brand name so they would not have been in a position to help you with the German contract.

As already stated, you need to submit certain documents to o2 before the contract can be terminated early:

You can also submit the documents online:

If the contract has already run for 24 months, you can just terminate it using the online form without the need for NY documents. It will then end in 1 month. 

Either way you will have one more payment.

BsO, thank ypu for your message. 

The challenge is that they have already eaten my ssavings as A student and left my account in debit just because they set up a fraudulent billing system that kept running even when it is ovvious the line is not working. How would a bill be running when the line is NOT BEING USED. ALL MAILS I SENT TO THEM KEPT BOUNCING BACK. I really do not know how to get my account back into credit. The contract I had with them expired last year. Even the phone I bought, I have paid them off. I wonder why they kept sending me bills. 

No, sorry, you are mistaken. There is nothing fraudulent going on here. A contract does not end just because you no longer use the service, and contracts do not expire, they have to be terminated by one of the parties. This is no different in the UK. Under German law, after the minimum term such contracts can be terminated by giving a month’s notice. As you said the conract ‘expired’, I asssume you mean the minimum term of 2 years is over. The quickest way to end the contract and prevent further debits from your account is then to complete the online form You could have done this much earlier.

Where did you send emails? There is no email address for customer service, but you can use the contact form.

Hey @Bukola 
welcome to the o2 community 💙
I'm sorry that you seem to have had a few misunderstandings. bs0 has already given you the right information here. 

Please take a look at our FAQ on the subject, maybe it will help you a little further: 


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