Warum O2

O2 fraud

Hi every one, I am an English speaking student living in Germany and I have contract with O2. This July some one called from O2 and she spoke in German, since I don’t understand I told her to write me an email instead of calling and tell me what is going on. 

Then I received an email saying that I approved her offer to get a boost internet and a house number.

I was shocked, I went to the closest O2 shop and explained it to them, they told me I have to call and cancel, they helped me with it and that was over. 

Since I do not check my account often, today I saw that every month O2 is taking a lot of money from my account under the name of that contract. 

My original payment was 14 euros, now O2 is taking 26 and 42 euros every month. 

I really don’t know what to do.

I think I can cancel this contract, but I want my money back. I did not even receive a new contract by email or post.

What should I do to get my money back? I am really pissed off. 

Do I have to sue O2?




Edit by o2_Manuela: moved to English o2 Community: Mobile. 20.11.22, 10:28 Uhr


Lösung von bs0 20 November 2022, 03:16

Zur Antwort springen

2 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7

1. You should  check your account often as not doing so can lead to problems for you legally / contractually.

2. If you really did not receive anything by email then you can't have confirmed the contract as required by law.  In that case you should fill in this form to challenge the contract and send it to o2:


Edit o2_Lars: Link aktualisiert - 27.09.2023

Hello @Mo.Sadeqi , 

welcome to our community! ✨

I am very sorry for that inconvenience. 😴

Did you get a confirmation about the cancellation of the contract?

As bs0 already mentioned, a contract doubt is the right way for this. 

Have you already filled out the form and sent it to us?

Together we will surely find a solution. 😊


Best regards, 



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