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Warum O2

Hi! I just started a contract with o2 for about a month now. I thought i would only pay 76 per month ( mobile phone plus the data) as to my surprise, i need to pay 157.84€ as Rechnungübersicht für Jahr 2022. what does this mean?


Edit o2_Sven 06.08.2022/19:18: Moved thread from o2 Mobilfunk to English o2 Community: Mobile

Hello @Hahabells ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

If this is the first bill you have received from us for the contract and the phone, then this bill might include an activation fee as well as down payment for the phone, which can cause this bill to end up higher than the following ones. Have you already looked at the bill itself in mein o2 for the individual parts that have been billed?


Kind regards, Sven

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