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How long does it take for O2 to dispatch or send out my order?


I badly need help of those who have purchased mobile phones from O2. 

I ordered an iphone 13 yesterday and I need to know when will O2 send it out. 

When I made the purchase, it says there is no waiting time and that the phone is available. 

I have received the confirmation yesterday but I still dont know when will they ship it. 

I have a trip next week and I dont know if I will receive it on time. 


Please please help me.

Lösung von o2_Andrea

dear @Ibropet124 ,

welcome back in our community. 🌻

Please take a look at your Lieferstatus.

Kind regards,


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9 Antworten

  • 2388 Antworten
  • 4. März 2022

Hello @deeeeeeeee, I'm sorry to have to write to you that many IPhone 13 models have a waiting time of over 21 days. As I said, model dependent. Unfortunately, I can't tell you exactly what your model looks like.



  • Moderatorin
  • 1750 Antworten
  • 30. März 2022

Hi @deeeeeeeee and thank you for contacting our community 💙

I hope you were able to enjoy your trip 😊
Has your iPhone 13 safely arrived before you left?

Thank you @witti for the quick response and helpful info you provided.

If you ever want to order again, you can check estimated wait-times at Lieferstatus & Bestellübersicht (delivery status & order overview) for highly sought after devices.

We’d be happy to hear back from you.

Take care, Rebecca

  • Neuling
  • 7 Antworten
  • 1. Oktober 2023

Please I ordered an iPhone on 22.09.2023. I haven’t receive it yet, Please I want to know what is going on.


thank you 

  • Neuling
  • 7 Antworten
  • 1. Oktober 2023
Ibropet124 schrieb:

Please I ordered an iPhone on 22.09.2023. I haven’t receive it yet, Please I want to know what is going on.


thank you 


  • Team
  • 26467 Antworten
  • Lösung
  • 12. Oktober 2023

dear @Ibropet124 ,

welcome back in our community. 🌻

Please take a look at your Lieferstatus.

Kind regards,


  • Neuling
  • 7 Antworten
  • 12. Oktober 2023
o2_Andrea schrieb:

dear @Ibropet124 ,

welcome back in our community. 🌻

Please take a look at your Lieferstatus.

Kind regards,


yeah, I just looked at it right now still on Vorbestellung.

Do you have more information about it? @o2_Andrea 

If you have let me know

Thank you


  • Team
  • 26467 Antworten
  • 23. Oktober 2023

Dear @Ibropet124 ,

 no, unfortunately we don't have any further information on that either. We can only refer to the link for you.

Kind regards,


  • Neuling
  • 1 Antwort
  • 18. September 2024

Ich habe ein iPad bestellt und es ist noch nicht angekommen. Kann ich die Ankunftszeit wissen?

  • Moderator
  • 5331 Antworten
  • 18. September 2024

Hallo @Dhokk,

herzlich willkommen hier in unserer o2 Community 🙂

Deine persönliche Lieferzeit richtet sich nach der von Dir bestellten Geräteversion, sowie nach dem Zeitpunkt der Bestellung. Leider kann ich Dir daher für deine bereits getätigte Bestellung keine Auskunft zum Lieferzeitpunkt nennen. Du wirst per E-Mail informiert, wenn das Gerät verschickt wird. Deinen Bestellstatus kannst du hier einsehen 🙂

Viele Grüße,


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