This is a copy of Schnelle Verbindung aber Videotelefonie nicht möglich topic, but here, in English community.
Today had same problem with Google Meet and Bluejeans (video chat software) -- strong lags during calls, I almost cannot understand anything. The more participants in the call, the worse it gets. Others could hear me pretty well, which proves that the problem exists only for download traffic.
I measured the speed (with during the call:

Its quite good (both upload and download). Just for the note: the problem persists every single day from the time I have moved to the new address. I have chosen the best place for the router with the best signal reception.
For the ticket: the time of my video session was 10:00-10:25, approximately 7 participants in the call.
I would be grateful if someone from support could create a ticket on my behalf (maybe @o2_Matze)? The reason I’m asking is because I almost does not speak German, so describing the problem would be quite painful. Also, a reference to a known problem might help and I’m not sure the ticket will be properly created based on the info from the voice call to hotline.
I would be also applying for contract cancelation due to tech issues, I would be grateful for some help here (example of the application etc). I have a O2 DSL option on my address, was thinking if switching from LTE to DSL might be possible instead of full contract termination.
Anyway, I would appreciate any help.
Thank you,
Best, Igor